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Acoustic Emission-Based Tool Condition Classification in a Precision High-Speed Machining of Titanium Alloy: A Machine Learning Approach

Citation : P. Krishnakumar, K. Ramesh Kumar, and RAMACHANDRAN, K. I., “Acoustic Emission-Based Tool Condition ...

Publisher :International Journal of Computational Intelligence and Applications, Volume 17, Number 03, p.1850017 (2018).

Accurate Estimation of Glottal Closure Instants and Glottal Opening Instants from Electroglottographic Signal Using Variational Mode Decomposition

Citation : Jyotish Lal, G., Gopalakrishnan, E.A. and Govind, D. “Accurate estimation of glottal closure insta ...

Publisher :Circuits, Systems, and Signal Processing

Accuracy of a New Echocardiographic Index to Predict Need for Trans-annular Patch in Tetralogy of Fallot

Citation : Sowmya Kasturi, Seshadri Balaji, Abish Sudhakar, Gopalraj S Sunil, Brijesh P Kottayil, Praveen Reddy ...

Publisher :Pediatric Cardiology

Accessing the performance of CMOS Amplifiers using High-k-Dielectric with Metal Gate on high mobility substrate

Citation : D. Anand, M, S., Dr. Sundararaman Gopalan, and A, P., “Accessing the performance of CMOS Amplifier ...

Publisher :ICACDS 2018, Springer CCIS

ACAM: A CNC Simulation Software for Effective Learning

Publisher :Procedia Computer Science

An Academic Framework for Designing Dashboard and Enhancing the Quality of Higher Education Admission Process Through Java Enterprise Edition

Publisher :2017 IEEE International Conference on Computational Intelligence and Computing Research, ICCIC 2017

6-Shogaol induces caspase-independent paraptosis in cancer cells via proteasomal inhibition

Citation : Nedungadi, D., Binoy, A., Pandurangan, N., Pal, S., Nair, B.G., and Mishra, N. (2018). 6-Shogaol ind ...

Publisher :Exp. Cell Res

4-bit Counter using High-Speed Low-Voltage CML D-Flipflops

Publisher :International Conference on Communication and Electronics Systems (ICCES) 2018

3D finite element model to predict machining induced residual stresses using arbitrary lagrangian eulerian approach

Citation : P. K. Marimuthu, P. H. P. Thirtha, K. C. S. Chethan, K. Prakash Marimuthu, H. P. Thirtha Prasada, an ...

Publisher :Journal of Engineering Science and Technology

2D Finite Element Thermo-Mechanical Model to Predict Machining Induced Residual Stresses Using ALE Approach

Citation : K. Prakash Marimuthu, C. S. C. Kumar, and H. P. T. Prasada, “2D Finite Element Thermo-Mechanical M ...

Publisher :Materials Today: Proceedings

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