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Effectiveness of an organized play session among hospitalized children and parents’ attitude

Citation : B. O. M. Manjula, P., A. K., and T, A. Philip, “Effectiveness of an organized play session among h ...

Publisher :Indian Journal of Public Health Research & Development.

Effectiveness of a structured teaching programme on knowledge regarding food and water borne diseases among school children

Citation : D. Antony, Prof. Anila K. P., Sreejesh K. P., and Sarika T. K., “Effectiveness of a structured tea ...

Publisher :Indian Journal of Public Health Research & Development .

Effectiveness of a training programme on knowledge regarding disaster preparedness among nursing students in a selected College of Nursing

Citation : A. Kumar SK, B, J., and SG, T., “Effectiveness of a training programme on knowledge regarding disa ...

Publisher :Asian Journal of Microbiology, Biotechnology & Environmental Sciences Paper .

Effective Implementation of Automated Fertilization Unit Using Analog pH Sensor and Arduino

Citation : A. Oberoi, Sagar B., and Lekshmi S, “Effective Implementation of Automated Fertilization Unit Usin ...

Publisher :2017 IEEE International Conference on Computational Intelligence and Computing Research, ICCIC 2017

Effect of surface modification on microstructure, hardness and wear rate of steels with 0.2%, 0.4% and 1.1 Wt%C by the addition of Titanium using Gas Tungsten Arc

Citation : C. M. Mithun, R. Sellamuthu, and Saravanan R., “Effect of surface modification on microstructure, ...

Publisher :Materials Today: Proceedings

Effect of surface modification using gtaw as heat source and cryogenic treatment on the surface hardness and its prediction using artificial neural network

Citation : Chaanthini M. K. and Dr. Sanjivi Arul, “Effect of surface modification using gtaw as heat source a ...

Publisher :Lecture Notes in Mechanical Engineering

The Effect of Supply Chain Relationships on Resilience: Empirical Evidence from India

Citation : Santanu Mandal, Rathin Sarathy, The effect of supply chain relationships on resilience: Empirical ev ...

Publisher :Global Business Review

Effect of superplasticizers on the rheological properties of fly ash incorporated cement paste

Citation : R. C Robert, Dhanya Sathyan, and Dr. Anand K. B., “Effect of superplasticizers on the rheological ...

Publisher :Materials Today: Proceedings

Effect of reservoir zones and hedging factor dynamism on reservoir adaptive capacity for climate change impacts

Citation : Soundharajan B. and Adeloye, A. J., “Effect of reservoir zones and hedging factor dynamism on rese ...

Publisher :Proc. IAHS

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