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A Study on Diesel Engine Using Waste Cooking Oil with Biotic Additive

Publisher :IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering

Study on concrete containing Waste Foundry Sand, Fly Ash and Polypropylene fibre using Taguchi Method

Citation : Prasad, V. Divya, E. Lalith Prakash, M. Abishek, K. Ushanth Dev, and CK Sanjay Kiran. "Study on conc ...

Publisher :Materials Today: Proceedings

A study of various result merging strategies for a Meta search engine

Publisher :International Journal of Engineering and Technology(UAE)

A study of the factors impacting the adoption of augmented reality in online purchases in India

Publisher :RTEICT 2017 - 2nd IEEE International Conference on Recent Trends in Electronics, Information and Communication Technology, Proceedings

Study of the effects of Shockwaves on Nano fluids

Publisher :IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering

Study of the effect of parameters in friction surfacing of Monel over Mild Steel using linear – Radial basis function model

Citation : B. K. Murugan, Balusamy, V., Dr. Padmanaban R., and Vaira Vignesh R., “Study of the effect of para ...

Publisher :Materials Today: Proceedings

A study of memory access patterns as an indicator of performance in high-level synthesis

Citation : Meena Belwal and Sudarshan, T. S. B., “A Study of Memory Access Patterns as an Indicator of Perfor ...

Publisher :Smart Innovation, Systems and Technologies, Springer Science and Business Media Deutschland GmbH

Study of Heat Transfer Characteristics of Nanofluids in an Automotive Radiator

Citation : R. Harsh, Hitish Srivastav, Prabhat Balakrishnan, Vivek Saini, Senthilkumar D., Dr. Rajni K. S., and ...

Publisher :IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering,

Study of hardness and wear behavior of surface modified AA 7075 with tungsten carbide using GTA as a heat source

Citation : J. Abhinavaram, Shanmugasundaram A., R. Prashanth, S. Jagadeesh, Dr. Sanjivi Arul, and R. Sellamuthu ...

Publisher :Indian Journal of Engineering and Materials Sciences, National Institute of Science Communication and Information Resources (NISCAIR),

Study of Control Strategies for a Non-Linear Benchmark Boiler

Citation : Shekhar, S. A., Balaji, R., Jeyanthi, R., “Study of Control Strategies for a Non-Linear Benchmar ...

Publisher :International CET Conference on Control, Communication, and Computing

Studies on the effect of weld defect on the fatigue behavior of welded structures

Citation : Dr. M. Ramu, Venugobal, P. R., Ramaswami, T. P., Jothi, S., and Chinnusamy, S., “Studies on the ef ...

Publisher :China Welding (English Edition)

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