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Cerebellum in Neurological Disorders: A Review on the Role of Inter-Connected Neural Circuits

Citation : Arathi G. Rajendran, Chaitanya Nutakki, Hemalatha Sasidharakurup, Sandeep Bodda, Dr. Bipin G. Nair, ...

Publisher :Journal of Neurology and Stroke.

Centrality Measures to Analyze Transport Network for Congestion Free Shipment

Citation : Radha D. and Kavikuil, K., “Centrality Measures to Analyze Transport Network for Congestion Free S ...

Publisher :2nd International Conference on Computational Systems and Information Technology for Sustainable Solution.

Cement based patch for low profile rectenna implementation for RF energy harvesting systems

Citation : M. V. Amrutha and Sabarish Narayanan B., “Cement based patch for low profile rectenna implementati ...

Publisher :2017 International Conference on Technological Advancements in Power and Energy

Cellular Prion Protein PrP and Ecto-5′-Nucleotidase Are Markers of the Cellular Stress Response to Aneuploidy.

Citation : P. H. Domingues, S Y Nanduri, L., Seget, K., Venkateswaran, S. V., Agorku, D., Viganó, C., von Schu ...

Publisher :Cancer Res

CBEAT: Chrome Browser Extension Analysis Tool

Citation : S. Singha Roy and Jevitha, K. P., “CBEAT: Chrome Browser Extension Analysis Tool”, in Security i ...

Publisher :Security in Computing and Communications, Springer Singapore.

Causes of Total Knee Revision in Emerging Economies: Is It Different from the Western World?

Citation : P. Shanavas Khan and Jai Thilak, “Causes of Total Knee Revision in Emerging Economies: Is It Diffe ...

Publisher :J Knee Surg

A Case Study on Social Network Analysis: Thesaurus Book

Citation : Radha D. and Nithia, K. P. T., “A Case Study on Social Network Analysis: Thesaurus Book”, 2nd In ...

Publisher :2nd International Conference on Computational Systems and Information Technology for Sustainable Solution

A case study on needle selection and fuzzy-based control for suturing force calculation in Minimally Invasive Robotic Surgery

Citation : T. Alif and Jayasree P. R., “A case study on needle selection and fuzzy-based control for suturing ...

Publisher :2017 International Conference on Circuit ,Power and Computing Technologies (ICCPCT)

A case study of printing industry plant layout for effective production

Citation : T. Viswajit, Teja, T. R., and Y. P. Deepthi, “A case study of printing industry plant layout for e ...

Publisher :AIP Conference Proceedings, American Institute of Physics Inc.

A case series on Simultaneous Pancreas Kidney transplantation

Citation : D. S. Raju, Sudhindran, S., and Roshni P. R., “A case series on Simultaneous Pancreas Kidney trans ...

Publisher :International Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences Review and Research.

A case series of young patients with completely reversed severe pulmonary hypertension

Citation : A. V. Balegadde, Vijan, V., and Rajesh Thachathodiyl, “A case series of young patients with comple ...

Publisher :Journal of Clinical and Diagnostic Research, Journal of Clinical and Diagnostic Research

A case report on Winchester syndrome

Citation : M. Mathew, Thomas, P., Roshni P. R., and Kumar, N. M., “A case report on Winchester syndrome”, N ...

Publisher :National Journal of Physiology, Pharmacy and Pharmacology

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