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Knowledge and practice of mothers in care of new born receiving phototherapy in selected hospital, Kochi

Citation : M. Mary Punnen, Prof. Anila K. P., and Deepa, S., “Knowledge and practice of mothers in care of ne ...

Publisher :International Journal of Nursing education

Knowledge and Attitude of Antenatal Mothers Regarding Cord Blood Donation, AIMS, Kochi

Citation : Linda Varghese and Bency Bhasy, “Knowledge and Attitude of Antenatal Mothers Regarding Cord Blood ...

Publisher :Indian Journal of Public Health Research Development

Kinetics and characterization of transesterification of cottonseed oil to biodiesel using calcined clam shells as catalyst

Citation : M. Shobana, R. Prasad, K., Dr. Udaya Bhaskar Reddy Ragula, and Kumaresan, D., “Kinetics and charac ...

Publisher :Biofuels, Taylor & Francis

KEA based Document Tagging for Project Recommendation and Analysis

Citation : Thushara M. G., SA, S., and S, S., “KEA based Document Tagging for Project Recommendation and Anal ...

Publisher :ICACNI 2017 : 5th International Conference on Advanced Computing, Networking, and Informatics, At National Institute of Technology

Kaikazhukal Seelamaakku Rogangale padikadathu – Article on Importance of hand washing

Citation : Prof. Sunil M., “Kaikazhukal Seelamaakku Rogangale padikadathu - Article on Importance of hand was ...

Publisher :The Dent Care

Journey of Revelation: The Quest Motif in Jaishree Misra’s Ancient Promises

Citation : Dr. Indu B. and S, A. P., “Journey of Revelation: The Quest Motif in Jaishree Misra’s Ancient Pr ...

Publisher :Research Journal of English Language and Literature (RJELAL)

Jordan Center Segregation: Rumors in Social Media Networks

Citation : R. Krithika, Ashok Kumar Mohan, and Sethumadhavan, M., “Jordan Center Segregation: Rumors in Socia ...

Publisher :Security in Computing and Communications: 5th International Symposium, SSCC 2017, Manipal, India, September 13–16, 2017, Proceedings

Jānakīharaṇamahākāvye Chandoviśeṣāḥ

Citation : S. V. B. K. V. Gupta, “Jānakīharaṇamahākāvye Chandoviśeṣāḥ”, Journal of Indian Langu ...

Publisher :Journal of Indian Languages and Literature

Issues involved in automatic selection and intensity based matching of feature points for MLS registration of medical images

Publisher :2017 International Conference on Advances in Computing, Communications and Informatics, ICACCI 2017

Ischemic mitral regurgitation

Citation : Dr. Praveen Varma, Neethu Krishna, Jose, R. Liza, and Madkaiker, A. Narayan, "Ischemic mitral regurg ...

Publisher :Annals of Cardiac Anaesthesia

IOT based smart surveillance of human health system

Citation : S. K, K, S., N, S., K, R., and Paramasivam C., “IOT based smart surveillance of human health syste ...

Publisher :Proceedings on National conference on Recent advancement and effectual researches in electrical engineering

Iot based school bus tracking and arrival time prediction

Citation : Jisha R. C., Jyothindranath, A., and Kumary, L. S., “Iot based school bus tracking and arrival tim ...

Publisher :2017 International Conference on Advances in Computing, Communications and Informatics (ICACCI).

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