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A comparison of leuprolide acetate versus bilateral orchiectomy for patients with metastatic prostate cancer

Citation : Aa Purushothaman, Kumar, Gb, Gangadharan, Pc, and Roshni P. R., “A comparison of leuprolide acetat ...

Publisher :Asian Journal of Pharmaceutical and Clinical Research

Comparison of Efficacy and Safety Profile of Oral Iron Formulations in Patients with Iron Deficiency Anemia

Citation : Naveen Kumar Panicker, Hridya A., and Rahuveer Prabhu, “Comparison of Efficacy and Safety Profile ...

Publisher :International Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences Review and Research

Comparison of Clinical Effectiveness of Ticagrelor and Clopidogrel in Post Percutaneous Transluminal Coronary Angioplasty (PTCA) Patients Approaching A Tertiary Care Hospital in South India

Citation : P. Krishnan, Mohan, S., Jom, D., Jacob, R., Joseph, S., Rajesh Thachathodiyl, and Vijan, V., “Comp ...

Publisher :Journal of Cardiovascular Disease Research

Comparison and Analysis of Opportunistic Delay Tolerant Network Protocols for Off-Shore Communication

Citation : M. Radhika, Raj, D., and Dr. Maneesha V. Ramesh, “Comparison and Analysis of Opportunistic Delay T ...

Publisher :International Journal of Computer Science and Information Security, LJS Publishing.

A Comparative Study on Decomposition of Test Signals Using Variational Mode Decomposition and Wavelets

Citation : A. S, Sriram, A., and Dr. Palanisamy T., “A Comparative Study on Decomposition of Test Signals Usi ...

Publisher :International Journal on Electrical Engineering and Informatics.

Comparative study of wind speed forecasting techniques

Citation : K. Kiranvishnu, Dr. J. Ramprabhakar, and K. Sireesha, “Comparative study of wind speed forecasting ...

Publisher :Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc.

Comparative Study of Potential Field and Sampling Algorithms for Manipulator Obstacle Avoidance

Publisher :International Journal of Control Theory and Applications (IJCTA)

A Comparative Study of Plant Mediated Synthesis of Silver Nanoparticles from Fresh Leaf Extracts of Gracina Gummi-Gutta L., Cynodon Dactylon L. and Bauhinia Acuminata and Their Antimicrobial Activity Studies

Citation : Asha R. Pai, Pillai, A. M., Jayapraksh, A., and John, A., “A Comparative Study of Plant Mediated S ...

Publisher :Nano Biomedicine and Engineering

A comparative study of hybrid feature selection methods using correlation coefficient for microarray data

Citation : A. Chinnaswamy and Ramakrishnan, S., “A comparative study of hybrid feature selection methods usin ...

Publisher :Journal of Network and Innovative Computing.

A comparative study of different gain cells based microwave CMOS distributed oscillators

Citation : Ka Bhattacharyya and Sharma, D. Kb, “A comparative study of different gain cells based microwave C ...

Publisher :Microwave and Optical Technology Letters, John Wiley and Sons Inc.

Comparative Study of Compensation Techniques of DVR with Composite Observer

Citation : V. E. Puranik, Arya, S. Raj, and Anjana Jain, “Comparative Study of Compensation Techniques of DVR ...

Publisher :Biennial International Conference on Power and Energy Systems: Towards Sustainable Energy (PESTSE) 2016

Comparative Study of Cesarean Myomectomy with Abdominal Myomectomy in Terms of Blood Loss in Single Fibroid

Citation : J. M. Kanthi, Sumathy, S., Sreedhar, S., Rajammal, B., Usha, M. G., and Sheejamol V. S., “Comparat ...

Publisher :Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology of India

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