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Simulation of electric field distribution in nanodielectrics based on XLPE

Citation : A. Jayakrishnan, Viswakumar, K., Arthi, A., Nagarajan, N., and Dr. Meera Balachandran, “Simulation ...

Publisher :Proceedings of International Conference on Macromolecules: Synthesis, Morphology, Processing, Structure, properties and Applications ICM 2016 organized by International Unit on Macromolecular Science and Engineering (IUMSE), , Mahatma Gandhi University, Kottayam, Kerala, India held at School of Chemical Sciences, Mahatma Gandhi University, Kottayam.

Simulation and Optimization of Ethanolamine production, Manuscript under preparation

Citation : Dr. Udaya Bhaskar Reddy Ragula and R., K. Prasad, “Simulation and Optimization of Ethanolamine pro ...

Publisher :2015.

Simulation and Analysis of Incremental Conductance and Perturb and Observe MPPT with DC-DC Converter Topology for PV Array

Citation : K. Harini and S, S., “Simulation and Analysis of Incremental Conductance and Perturb and Observe M ...

Publisher :Electrical, Computer and Communication Technologies (ICECCT), 2015 IEEE International Conference on

Simulating the impact of wind turbine on RADAR signals in L and S band using XGtd

Citation : A. C and Dr. Shanmugha Sundaram G. A., “Simulating the impact of wind turbine on RADAR signals in ...

Publisher :ICCSP

Simulating Consequences of Smoking with Augmented Reality

Citation : B. R. Mohan, Kamal Bijlani, and Jayakrishnan, R., “Simulating Consequences of Smoking with Augment ...

Publisher :2015 International Conference on Advances in Computing, Communications and Informatics, ICACCI 2015

Simulated Annealing Based Optimal Load Frequency Control of a Two Area Non -Linear System with Static Synchronous Series Compensator

Citation : Ms. Anju V S, Dr. K.R.M. Vijaya Chandrakala, Dr. S. Balamurugan and Mr. N. Janarthanan, “Simulated ...

Publisher :International Journal of Applied Engineering Research

Simulated Annealing Based Optimal Control of Multi Source Multi Area Hydro Thermal Gas Turbine System

Citation : A. V.S., K.R.M., V. Chandrakal, Dr. Balamurugan S., and N., J., “Simulated Annealing Based Optimal ...

Publisher :International Journal of Applied Engineering Research

Simulated and self-sustained classification of Twitter Data based on its sentiment

Citation : S. N. Vinithra, Selvan, S. J. Arun, M. Kumar, A., and Dr. Soman K. P., “Simulated and self-sustain ...

Publisher :Indian Journal of Science and Technology

Simplified control algorithm for power quality improvement in industrial applications

Citation : S. Sindhu, Dananjayan, D., and Dr. Sindhu M. R., “Simplified control algorithm for power quality i ...

Publisher :International Journal of Control Theory and Applications, Serials Publications

A simplified approach to identify the fetal ECG from abdECG and to measure the fHR

Citation : R. H. Nair, J. Gini, R., and Dr. K. I. Ramachandran, “A simplified approach to identify the fetal ...

Publisher :Springer Verlag

A simple method to facilitate oral surgery in patients with orthodontic appliances.

Citation : Janarthanan Ramu , Abhijeet Wakure , and Mohit Sharma, A simple method to facilitate oral surgery in ...

Similarity Scores Evaluation in Social Networking Sites

Citation : A. Ravindran, Kumar, P. N., and Subathra P., “Similarity Scores Evaluation in Social Networking Si ...

Publisher :Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing.

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