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Assessment of knowledge of epilepsy in epileptic patients attending a tertiary care centre in Kerala

Citation : Emmanuel James, Kuriakose, S., and Kumar, A., “Assessment of knowledge of epilepsy in epileptic pa ...

Publisher :Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences

Assessing Competing Policies at Ubonratana Reservoir, Thailand

Citation : C. Chiamsathit, Soundharajan B., and Adeloye, A., “Assessing Competing Policies at Ubonratana Rese ...

Publisher :Proceedings of the ICE - Water Management

Assess the Knowledge on Menopausal Self-care among Perimenopausal Women

Citation : A. N, Lekha Viswanath, and T, A. Philip, “Assess the Knowledge on Menopausal Self-care among Perim ...

Publisher :Jaypee Brothers Medical Publishers Ltd

AryEpiglottoplasty for severe Laryngomalacia

Publisher :International Journal of Phonosurgery Laryngology

The art, method, manner, process and system of multifunctional nanobiomaterial for molecular imaging and drug- delivery

Citation : Dr. Manzoor K., Ashokan, A., Dr. Deepthy Menon, and Shantikumar V Nair, “The art, method, manner, ...

Publisher :Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham.

The art, method, manner, process and system of a nano-biomineral for multi-modal contrast imaging and drug delivery

Citation : M. Koyakutty, Ashokan, A., and Shantikumar V Nair, “The art, method, manner, process and system of ...

Publisher :Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham,

Area and Time Efficient Hardwired Pre –Shifted Bi-Rotation CORDIC Design

Citation : M. Manikandan & C. Paramasivam (2014) “Area and Time Efficient Hardwired Pre –Shifted Bi-Rotatio ...

Publisher :Proceedings on 3rd IEEE International Conference on Communication and Signal Processing

Area and time efficient hardwired pre -shifted bi-rotation CORDIC design

Citation : M. M and Paramasivam C., “Area and time efficient hardwired pre -shifted bi-rotation CORDIC design ...

Publisher :International Conference on Communication and Signal Processing, ICCSP 2014 - Proceedings

Architectural Recommendations in Building a Network Based Secure, Scalable and Interoperable Internet of Things Middleware

Citation : Shiju Sathyadevan, Krishnasree Achuthan, and Jayaraj Poroor, “Architectural Recommendations in Bui ...

Publisher :3rd International Conference on Frontiers of Intelligent Computing: Theory and Applications (FICTA) 2014

An archimate based analysis of microgrid control system architectures

Publisher :Embedded Systems (ICES), 2014 International Conference on

An Approach for the Assessment of India as a Global Oil Gas R&D Destination

Publisher :International Conference on Advances in Chemical Engineering and Technology

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