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Automated Statistical Data Mining of a Real World Landslide Detection System

Citation : D. P., B Thottungal, G., Geethalekshmy, C. V., and D Ramesh, M. V., “Automated Statistical Data Mi ...

Publisher :Proceedings of the International Conference on Data Mining (DMIN)

Automated PCG signal delineation method for heart sound analysis

Citation : V. N. Varghees and Dr. K. I. Ramachandran, “Automated PCG signal delineation method for heart soun ...

Publisher :Twentieth National Conference on Communications (NCC), 2014

Automated event detection from a video-A comparative study

Publisher :ational conference on recent Advances in computer science and information Engineering

Automated Classification and Segregation of Brain MRI Images into Images captured with respect to Ventricular region and Eye ball region

Citation : A. Chinnaswamy, Husshine, S. R., Giriprasanth, V. P., and Prasath, A. B., “Automated Classificatio ...


Autochthonous Blastomycosis of the Adrenal: First Case Report from Asia

Citation : Anil Kumar, Sreehari, S., Velayudhan, K., Dr. Lalitha Biswas, Babu, R., Ahmed, S., Sharma, N., Kurup ...

Publisher :The American Journal of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene

Augmenting packet delivery rate in outdoor wireless sensor networks through frequency optimization

Citation : Dr. Maneesha V. Ramesh, Rajan, P., and P., D., “Augmenting packet delivery rate in outdoor wireles ...

Publisher :International Conference on Computing, Communication and Networking Technologies (ICCCNT), 2014 , Hefei.

Attributed Relational Graph Based Feature Extraction of Body Poses In Indian Classical Dance Bharathanatyam

Publisher :International Journal of Engineering Research and Application

Attitude determination of spacecraft using FOAM and Kalman filtering

Citation : D. G. Shree, Singh, V., Dai, B. K., and R. Sunitha, “Attitude determination of spacecraft using FO ...

Publisher :International Journal of Applied Engineering Research

An attempt to fabricate a photocatalytic and hydrophobic self-cleaning coating via electrospinning

Citation : P. Ragesh, Nair, S. V., and A. S. Nair, “An attempt to fabricate a photocatalytic and hydrophobic ...

Publisher :RSC Advances

Asymmetric bellow flexible pneumatic actuator for miniature robotic soft gripper

Citation : Ganesha Udupa, Pramod Sreedharan, Dinesh Parvathaneni, Doik Kim, “Asymmetric Bellow Flexible Pneum ...

Publisher :International Journal of Robotics

An Assistive Device for Managing Urinary Incontinence

Citation : Dr. Maneesha V. Ramesh, Raj Dhanesh, and Dilraj, N., “An Assistive Device for Managing Urinary Inc ...

Publisher :Proceedings of the 6th IBM Collaborative Academia Research Exchange Conference (I-CARE) on I-CARE 2014. ACM, New York, NY, USA, pp.

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