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Biometric Authentication via Facial Recognition

Citation : K. Nimmy and Dr. M. Sethumadhavan, “Biometric Authentication via Facial Recognition”, 2014.

Publisher :(2014)

Bioinformatics Structural and Sequence Analysis

Citation : D. Gopakumar and P. K. Krishnan Namboori, Bioinformatics Structural and Sequence Analysis. New Delhi ...

Publisher :Narosa Publishers

Binary Classification of cancer microarray gene expression data using extreme learning machines

Citation : A. Chinnaswamy and Ramakrishnan, S., “Binary Classification of cancer microarray gene expression d ...

Publisher :IEEE International Conference on Computational Intelligence and Computing Research (ICCIC), 2014

Bilateral analysis of Mammograms for False Positive Reduction using Eigen ROI Approach

Citation : ShilpaGopalakrishnan and Dr. Lavanya R., “Bilateral analysis of Mammograms for False Positive Redu ...

Publisher :International conference on Trends in Technology for Convergence

Big data analytics: A detailed gaze and a technical review

Publisher :International Journal of Applied Engineering Research

Bi-Directional DC/DC Converter with PFM/PWM Controller Implementing Soft-Switching

Citation :
R. Divya, “Bi-Directional DC/DC Converter with PFM/PWM Controller Implementing Soft-Switc ...

Publisher :International Conference

Between powerlessness and power: A study of the marginalized women in Gopala Krishna Gandhi’s Refuge

Citation : Teena V., “Between powerlessness and power: A study of the marginalized women in Gopala Krishna Ga ...

Publisher :IJELLH – International Journal of English Language, Literature and Humanities

BER and LLR Analysis with MC-CDMA using BPSK/ QAM Techniques for Wireless Communication

Citation : Dr. Tripty Singh, V.V.V.S.N., B. K., and R., M., “BER and LLR Analysis with MC-CDMA using BPSK/ QA ...

Publisher :International Conference on Information and Communication Technologies (ICICT, 2014)

Beneficiary Charges: The Cinderella of Subnational Finance

Citation : Yeti N. Madhoo and Shyam Nath, “Beneficiary Charges: The Cinderella of Subnational Finance”, Tax ...

Publisher :Taxation and Development: The Weakest Link? Essays in Honor of Roy Bahl, R. Bird and J. Martinez-Vazquez (eds.)

Benchtop Nanoscale Patterning using Soft Lithography for the Printing of DNA Molecules

Citation : V. Kumar. A, Dr. Sreekala C. O., M, M., Ashok, A., and Rasheed, R., “Benchtop Nanoscale Patterning ...

Publisher :International journal of Engineering research and technology

Behavioural analysis for prevention of intranet information leakage

Citation : N. Manmadhan and Achuthan, K., “Behavioural analysis for prevention of intranet information leakag ...

Publisher :Advances in Computing, Communications and Informatics (ICACCI, 2014 International Conference on

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