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Investigation on aerodynamic noise evaluation and atte nuation in a glob e valve us ing CFD analysis

Citation : S. K. Sreekala and Dr. Thirumalini S., “Investigation on aerodynamic noise evaluation and atte nua ...

Publisher :International Journal of Multiphysics, Multi-Science Publishing Co. Ltd,

An intrusion detection system against UDP flood attack and ping of death attack (DDOS) in MANET

Citation : A. A. Acharya, Arpitha, K. M., and Kumar, B. J. Santhosh, “An intrusion detection system against U ...

Publisher :International Journal of Engineering and Technology

Is intraoperative parathyroid hormone monitoring necessary in symptomatic primary hyperparathyroidism with concordant imaging?

Citation : G. C. Nair, Misha J. C. Babu, Jacob, P., Menon, R., and Jimmy Mathew, “Is Intraoperative Parathyro ...

Publisher :Indian Journal of endocrinology and Metabolism

Interesting features of transmission across locally periodic delta potentials

Citation : Ma Dharani and Shastry, C. Sb, “Interesting features of transmission across locally periodic delta ...

Publisher :AIP Conference Proceedings, American Institute of Physics Inc

Inter-emotion conversion using dynamic time warping and prosody imposition

Citation : Susmitha Vekkot and Dr. Shikha Tripathi, “Inter-emotion conversion using dynamic time warping and ...

Publisher :Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing.

Interconversion of emotions in speech using TD-PSOLA

Citation : B. Akanksh, Susmitha Vekkot, and Dr. Shikha Tripathi, “Interconversion of emotions in speech using ...

Publisher :Advances in Signal Processing and Intelligent Recognition Systems

An interactive serious game via visualization of real life scenarios to learn programming concepts

Citation : Aa Sajana, Kamal Bijlani, and Jayakrishnan, R., “An interactive serious game via visualization of ...

Publisher :6th International Conference on Computing, Communications and Networking Technologies, ICCCNT 2015

Interactive Learning System for the Hearing Impaired and the Vocally Challenged

Citation : H. N and Jyothisha J. Nair, “Interactive Learning System for the Hearing Impaired and the Vocally ...

Publisher :International Conference on Advances in Computing, Communications and Informatics (ICACCI-2016), IEEE .

An intelligent pico Cell Range Expansion technique for Heterogeneous Wireless Networks

Citation : Ra Sasikumar, Anantha Narayanan V., and Rajeswari, Ab, “An intelligent pico Cell Range Expansion t ...

Publisher :Indian Journal of Science and Technology

Intelligent System for Wayfinding through Unknown Complex Indoor Environment

Citation : S. S. and Dr. Rajathilagam B., “Intelligent System for Wayfinding through Unknown Complex Indoor E ...

Publisher :Intelligent Systems Technologies and Applications 2016, Springer International Publishing.

Intelligent Motorisd Shopping Droit

Citation : T. Mohanraj, .Arunkumar, S., ameen, J. Mal, Kumar, J. A., and .Janarthanan, G., “Intelligent Motor ...

Publisher :International Conference on Advances in Materials and Manufacturing - INTCOMM 2016

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