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Computationally Efficient Bio-realistic Reconstructions of Cerebellar Neuron Spiking Patterns

Citation : Chaitanya Medini, Asha Vijayan, Egidio D'Angelo, Dr. Bipin G. Nair, and Dr. Shyam Diwakar, “Comput ...

Publisher :Proceedings of the 2014 International Conference on Interdisciplinary Advances in Applied Computing, ACM, Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham, Coimbatore, India .

Computational Modeling studies on the BBB penetration capacity of Chitosan Nano particle

Publisher :international conference on emerging trends in drug discovery-AICADD

Compressive sensing based image acquisition and reconstruction analysis

Citation : S. Ravindranath, Ram, S. R. N., Subhashini, S., Reddy, A. V. S., Janarth, M., Aswathvignesh, R., Gan ...

Publisher :Proceeding of the IEEE International Conference on Green Computing, Communication and Electrical Engineering, ICGCCEE 2014

Compressed sensing system for efficient ECG signal compression

Citation : L. Nagaraj, .Varshini, M., K.R, M., Sreenesh, B., .Sivakumar, V., and S. Veni, “Compressed sensing ...

Publisher :International Journal of Research in Engineering and Technology

A Comprehensive Study of Statistical Machine Translation for English to Kannada Language

Publisher :International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR)

A Comprehensive but not Complicated Survey on Quantum Computing

Citation : P. Menon and Ritwik Murali, “A Comprehensive but not Complicated Survey on Quantum Computing”, I ...

Publisher :IERI Procedia

A comprehensive and efficacious architecture for detecting phishing webpages

Citation : Dr. Gowtham R. and Krishnamurthi, I., “A comprehensive and efficacious architecture for detecting ...

Publisher :Computers Security (Elsevier Advanced Technology) (Impact Factor: 1.158, SCI Indexed)

Complexity and accountability in redefining the lives of the Daughters of Yellamma

Citation : Deepa Kumari S., “Complexity and accountability in redefining the lives of the Daughters of Yellam ...

Publisher :ENGCONF 2014’ on ‘Post -Colonial Voices in South Asian Literatures and Cinema’ .

On Completely Semisimple Lie Algebra Bundles

Publisher :Journal of Algebra and Its Applications (WSPC)

Complementing neurophysiology education for developing countries via cost-effective virtual labs: Case studies and classroom scenarios

Citation : Dr. Shyam Diwakar, Harilal Parasuram, Chaitanya Medini, Raghu Raman, Prof. Prema Nedungadi, Wiertela ...

Publisher :The Journal of Undergraduate Neuroscience Education (JUNE).

Compatibility of Institutional Architecture for Rubber Plantation Development in North East India from a comparative perspective of Kerala

Citation : Dr. Viswanathan P. K., “Compatibility of Institutional Architecture for Rubber Plantation Developm ...

Publisher :2014.

Compatibility and Control Release Studies of Sodium Alginate (SA)/ Lignosulphonic acid (LS) Blends using Ciprofloxacin as model drug

Citation : Dr. S. Giridhar Reddy and Dr. Akanksha Saxena Pandit, “Compatibility and Control Release Studies o ...

Publisher :International conference on functional materials ICFM- 2014

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