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Design and implementation of digital stethoscope with heart defect detection algorithm

Publisher :International Journal of Advanced Research in Electrical, Electronics and Instrumentation Engineering

Design and implementation of a low-cost laser Parkinson’s Walker with safety and energy saving features

Publisher :Global Humanitarian Technology Conference-South Asia Satellite (GHTC-SAS), 2014 IEEE

Design and implementation of a look up table based TCSC controller for power system stability enhancement

Citation : M. S., Dr. Sindhu Thampatty K.C., and N., A., “Design and implementation of a look up table based ...

Publisher :International Journal of Applied Engineering Research

Design and Implementation of a Calibration – Free Pulse Oximeter

Citation : H. Harini, Krithika, L. S., Shalini, M., Swaminathan, S., and Dr. Madhu Mohan N., “Design and Impl ...

Publisher :Springer International Publishing

Design and fabrication of cost effective mobility and navigational tool for visually challenged

Publisher :IEEE International Conference on Green Computing, Communication and Electrical Engineering (ICGCCEE 2014)

Design and fabrication of a hexapod robot

Citation : A. Krishna, Krishna Nandanan, Kumar, S. S. Pradeep, Srihari, K. S., and Sivraj, P., “Design and fa ...

Publisher :Embedded Systems (ICES), 2014 International Conference on

Design and evaluation of virtual channel router for mesh-of-grid based NoC

Citation : N. V. Anjali and Dr. Somasundaram K., “Design and evaluation of virtual channel router for mesh-of ...

Publisher :International Conference on Electronics and Communication Systems (ICECS), 2014

Design and Evaluation of Printed Log Periodic Dipole Antenna for an L-band Electrically Steerable Array System

Citation : J. Rajendran and Dr. Shanmugha Sundaram G. A., “Design and Evaluation of Printed Log Periodic Dipo ...

Publisher :IEEE

Design and Development of Wing Transport Joint for MALE UAV

Citation : Dr. M. Ramu and Bheemappa, “Design and Development of Wing Transport Joint for MALE UAV”, Fourth ...

Publisher :Fourth National Conference on emerging trends in CAD / CAM /CIM

Design and Development of Flapping Wing MAV

Citation : Rajesh Senthil Kumar T., R. Narayan, A., S. Girish, S., Sarath, M. R., and Ananthakrishnan, V., “D ...

Publisher :6th Symposium on Applied Aerodynamics and Design of Aerospace Vehicles (SAROD 2013)

Design and Development of a Mini Custom Power Park

Citation : Manitha P. V., V. C., J. S., Anjana, P., Raveendran, V., and Nair, M. G., “Design and Development ...

Publisher :AASRI Procedia

Design and Analysis of GaN HEMT based LNA with CPW matching

Citation : S. Sarathkrishna, Karthigha Balamurugan, Dr. Nirmala Devi M., and Dr. Jayakumar M., “Design and An ...

Publisher :IEEE

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