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Greening the foundry sector by an innovative method of energy conservation and emission reduction

Citation : J. Selvaraj, Dr. K. I. Ramachandran, Venkatesh, D., Devanathan, S., B., S., J., G. Murali, and P., L ...

Publisher :2014 IEEE 8th International Conference on Intelligent Systems and Control: Green Challenges and Smart Solutions, ISCO 2014 - Proceedings

Green synthesis of anisotropic gold nanoparticles for photothermal therapy of cancer

Citation : S. Fazal, Jayasree, A., Sasidharan, S., Dr. Deepthy Menon, Koyakutty, M., and Shantikumar V Nair, ...

Publisher :ACS Applied Materials and Interfaces

Graphene Oxide-based Electrochemical Sensor for Salicylic Acid

Publisher :ICONEST 2014, International Conference on Electrochemistry, Electrochemical Society of India

Graphene based Interconnect Modelling

Publisher :International Conference on Innovations In Electrical, Electronics, Information Communication Technology (ICIEEICT)

Granuloma inguinale mimicking as squamous cell carcinoma of penis

Publisher :Indian journal of sexually transmitted diseases

Granulicatella adiacens isolated from sterile body fluids: A case series from India

Publisher :International Journal of Case Reports and Images

Gradual Transition Detection Based on Fuzzy Logic Using Visual Attention Model

Citation : A. Joseph and Amudha, J., “Gradual Transition Detection Based on Fuzzy Logic Using Visual Attentio ...

Publisher :Recent Advances in Intelligent Informatics, Springer International Publishing

Gold-chitin-manganese Dioxide Ternary Composite Nanogels for Radio Frequency Assisted Cancer Therapy

Citation : N. S. Rejinold, Ranjusha, R., Balakrishnan, A., Mohammed, N., and Dr. Jayakumar Rangasamy, “Gold-c ...

Publisher :RSC Advances

Globalisation to Glocalisation : An illustrated study of Mc Donalds and Starbuck

Publisher :UGC Sponsored- National Seminar Re- inventing and Recasting the Praxis of Globalisation

On global energy scenario, dye-sensitized solar cells and the promise of nanotechnology

Citation : K. G. Reddy, Deepak, T. G., Anjusree, G. S., S. Thomas, Vadukumpully, S., Subramanian, K. R. V., Nai ...

Publisher :Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics

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