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Condition monitoring of a valve in a reciprocating compressor using machine learning approach

Publisher :International Journal of Applied Engineering Research

Condition Monitoring in Roller Bearings using Cyclostationary Features

Citation : Sachin Kumar S, Neethu Mohan, Prabaharan P, KP Soman, Condition Monitoring in Roller Bearings using ...

Publisher :WCI

A Conceptual Review on Sheetapitta, Udarda Kota

Publisher :Punarnava International Peer reviewed Ayurveda Journal.

Conceptual Model Elucidating the Organic Consumption Behavior

Citation : Sandhya G. and Sushanta Mahapatra, “Conceptual Model Elucidating the Organic Consumption Behavior ...

Publisher :Twelfth AIMS International Conference on Management

Conceptual Design and Fabrication of Porous Structured Scaffold for Tissue Engineering Applications

Citation : T. Kumaresan, Gandhinathan, R., Dr. M. Ramu, and M. Ananthasubramanian, “Conceptual Design and Fab ...

Publisher :Biomedical Research

A Conceptual Analysis On The Preparation And Administration Of Niruha Bast

Citation : Anandaraman P. V., “A Conceptual Analysis On The Preparation And Administration Of Niruha Bast”, ...

Publisher :Ayurpharm Int J Ayur Alli Sci

Concept of Tantrayukti with Special Emphasis on Pradesa Tantrayukti

Citation : M. Chandran, Dr. Haroon Irshad, and Mund, J. Shankar, “Concept of Tantrayukti with Special Emphasi ...

Publisher :GJRMI

Concept Mapping and Assessment of Virtual Laboratory Experimental Knowledge

Citation :
Dr. Krishnashree Achuthan and Bose, L. Sb, “Concept mapping and assessment of virtual lab ...

Publisher :2015 International Conference on Advances in Computing, Communications and Informatics, ICACCI 2015

Computer-aided Diagnosis of Breast Cancer by Hybrid Fusion of Ultrasound and Mammogram Features

Citation : Dr. Lavanya R., Nagarajan, N., and M. Devi, N., “Computer-aided Diagnosis of Breast Cancer by Hybr ...

Publisher :Springer India

Computer Science (CS) Education in Indian Schools: Situation Analysis using Darmstadt Model

Citation : Raghu Raman, Smrithi Venkatasubramanian, Krishnashree Achuthan, and Prema Nedungadi. 2015. Computer ...

Publisher :ACM Transactions on Computing Education

Computational Study of the Aerodynamics of the Gliding Snake Chrysopelea Paradisi

Citation : Vigneshwaran Krishnamurthy, Nithyalakshmi Venkatraman, Nandita Nurani Hari, Akshay Varaparla, Dr. Ba ...

Publisher :International Journal of Applied Engineering Research, Research India Publications

Computational thinking leads to computational learning: Flipped class room experiments in linear algebra

Citation : S. Se, Ashwini, B., Chandran, A., and Dr. Soman K. P., “Computational thinking leads to computatio ...

Publisher :ICIIECS 2015 - 2015 IEEE International Conference on Innovations in Information, Embedded and Communication Systems

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