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Media representation of Sachin Tendulkar’s retirement: A comparison of newspaper editorials

Publisher :International Association for Media and Communication Research Conference IAMCR 2014

Mechanical, thermal and dielectric properties of cross-linked polyethylene nanocomposites

Citation : P. Manswini, Reddy, R., Kavitha, D., and Dr. Meera Balachandran, “Mechanical, thermal and dielectr ...

Publisher :Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Polymer Processing and Characterization (ICPPC 2014), International and Interuniversity Centre for Nanoscience and Nanotechnology

Measurement of radiation pattern of Quadrifilar Helix Antenna (QHA) using GNU Radio

Citation : S. Sreelakshmi, Ashitha, P. S., Pradeep, A., and Gandhiraj R., “Measurement of radiation pattern o ...

Publisher :Proceeding of the IEEE International Conference on Green Computing, Communication and Electrical Engineering, ICGCCEE 2014

Measurement of current and power consumption in the order of milli-watt resolution in processor core level

Citation : N. R. Prasadh and Dr. Anju Pillai S., “Measurement of current and power consumption in the order o ...

Publisher :Circuit, Power and Computing Technologies (ICCPCT), 2014 International Conference on

Maxillary reconstruction: Current concepts and controversies

Publisher :Indian Journal of Plastic Surgery

Mathematica on Raspberry Pi: A low cost platform for Computational experiments and symbolic computing

Publisher :International conference on signal and speech processing

Management of Vatarakta: A Case report

Citation : Haritha Chandran, Rashmi, C., Brata, T. Tapas, and Vaidya, S., “Management of Vatarakta: A Case re ...

Publisher :JAPS

Management of sepsis in Emergency Department

Publisher :Amrita Journal of Medicine

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