Publisher :National Seminar on Current Trends in Chemistry CTriC 2014
Citation : Hariharan, B.S.;Suresh, K. "Phase change material as pump in an Organic Rankine Cycle "Applied Mecha ...
Publisher :Applied Mechanics and Materials.
Citation : Dr. Balamurugan S., S Abinav, P., Aparna, S., V Laexmi, N., and Vijjei, S. A. K. Vedha, “Phase Ang ...
Publisher :Second National Conference on Power Electronics in Sustainable Energy Development (NCPSE - 2014)
Publisher :international conference on emerging trends in drug discovery-AICADD
Citation : Dr. Raiby P. Paul, Prasanth, D., Chugh, D., Thakar, A. B., and , “Pharmacognostical and Physico-Ch ...
Publisher :International Journal Of Universal Pharmacy and Bio Sciences
Publisher :International Journal of Pharma Research,
Publisher :International Journal of Advancements in Electronics and Electrical Engineering – IJAEEE
Publisher :Indian Journal of Industrial Relations
Publisher :International Journal of Software and Web Sciences
Publisher :Asian Journal of Water, Environment and Pollution
Publisher :JOP. Journal of the Pancreas