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Synthesis of zeolites using polyethylene glycol as binder for biological applications

Publisher :Emerging Trends in Drug Discovery – AICADD 2014

Synthesis of micrometer-sized hierarchical rutile TiO2 flowers and their application in dye sensitized solar cells

Citation : M. Raj Subramaniam, Dr. Sriram Devanathan, and Dr. Duraisamy Kumaresan, “Synthesis of micrometer-s ...

Publisher :Royal Society of Chemistry (RSC) Advances

Synthesis, microstructure and mechanical properties of Al-Si-Mg alloy hybrid (zircon+alumina) composite

Citation : T. Satish Kumar, Subramania, R., S., S., J., A., and PC, A., “Synthesis, microstructure and mechan ...

Publisher :International Conference on Sustainable Energy Technologies (ICSET-2014)

Synthesis, characterization and photoluminescence properties of graphene oxide functionalized with azo molecules

Citation : R. DEVI, PRABHAVATHI, G., Dr. Yamuna R., Ramakrishnan, S., and NIKHIL K. KOTHURKAR, “Synthesis, ch ...

Publisher :Journal of Chemical Sciences

Synthesis, characterization, and comparative study of CdSe-TiO2 nanowires and CdSe-TiO2 nanoparticles

Citation : A. Nikhil, Thomas, D. A., Amulya, S., S. Raj, M., and Dr. Duraisamy Kumaresan, “Synthesis, charact ...

Publisher :Solar Energy

Synthesis, Characterization and Biological Activities of Curcumin Nanospheres

Citation : T. R. Arunraj, Rejinold, N. S., Mangalathillam, S., Saroj, S., Dr. Raja Biswas, Dr. Jayakumar Rangas ...

Publisher :Journal of Biomedical Nanotechnology

Synthesis, biological evaluation and molecular modeling study of pyrazole derivatives as selective COX-2 inhibitors and anti-inflammatory agents

Citation : A. Kumar Tewari, Singh, V. Prakash, Yadav, P., Gupta, G., Singh, A., Goel, R. Kumar, Shinde, P., and ...

Publisher :Bioorganic Chemistry

On the synthesis and electrochemical characterization of ordered hierarchical NiO micro bouquets with trimodal pore size distribution

Citation : Pa Anjali, Sonia, T. Sa, Shakir, Ib, Nair, S. Va, and Balakrishnan, Aa, “On the synthesis and elec ...

Publisher :Journal of Alloys and Compounds

Synthesis and characterization of graphene oxide-polyimide nanofiber composites

Citation : Sa Ramakrishnan, Dhakshnamoorthy, Mb, Jelmy, E. Ja, Vasanthakumari, Rb, and Kothurkar, N. Ka, “Syn ...

Publisher :RSC Advances

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