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DocTool – a tool for visualizing software projects using graph database

Citation : A. Sadar and Vinitha Panicker J, “DocTool - a tool for visualizing software projects using graph d ...

Publisher :2015 Eighth International Conference on Contemporary Computing (IC3)

Do Policies and Interventions Resolve the Emergent ‘Resource Efficiency Curse’ problems in India?: A Review of Water and Rural Energy Policies in Maharashtra and Gujarat

Citation : Dr. Viswanathan P. K., “Do Policies and Interventions Resolve the Emergent ‘Resource Efficiency ...

Publisher :2015.

Do Farmers Make an Informed Choice?:An Analysis of the Selection of Seeds and Insecticides by Cotton Growers in Gujarat

Citation : N. Lalitha and Dr. Viswanathan P. K., “Do Farmers Make an Informed Choice?:An Analysis of the Sele ...

Publisher :India’s Tryst with Bt Cotton-Learning from the First Decade

Distribution System Reconfiguration for Annual Energy Loss Reduction Considering Variable Distributed Generation Profiles

Citation : A. M. Tahboub, Dr. V. Ravikumar Pandi, and Zeineldin, H. H., “Distribution System Reconfiguration ...

Publisher :IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery

Distributed Generation integration with enhanced power system protection

Publisher :Proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Technological Advancements in Power and Energy, TAP Energy 2015

Distributed Computation of Connected Dominating Set for Multi-Hop Wireless Networks

Citation : Simi Surendran and Vijayan, S., “Distributed Computation of Connected Dominating Set for Multi-Hop ...

Publisher :Procedia Computer Science

Disrupted structural connectivity using diffusion tensor tractography in epilepsy

Citation : M. Geetha and Pillay, S. S., “Disrupted structural connectivity using diffusion tensor tractograph ...

Publisher :2015 IEEE International Conference on Electronics, Computing and Communication Technologies, CONECCT 2015

Discrimination of Internal Fault Current and Inrush Current in a Power Transformer Using Empirical Wavelet Transform

Citation : P. Maya, Roopasree, K., and Dr. Soman K. P., “Discrimination of Internal Fault Current and Inrush ...

Publisher :Elsevier

Discrimination between inrush and internal fault currents in a power transformer using Variational Mode Decomposition Method

Citation : P. Maya, Dhivya, N., Kartikga, C., and Dr. Soman K. P., “Discrimination between inrush and interna ...

Publisher :Research India Publications

Discontinuity induced bifurcations in higher dimension Filippov systems.

Citation : Dr. Santhosh B., S Narayanan, and C Padmanabhan, “Discontinuity induced bifurcations in higher dim ...

Publisher :Int. Conference on Engineering Vibration (ICOEV 2015)

Discontinuity induced bifurcation in nonlinear oscillators

Citation : Dr. Santhosh B., S Narayanan, and C Padmanabhan, “Discontinuity induced bifurcation in nonlinear o ...

Publisher :12th Int. Conference on Vibration Problems (ICOVP-2015)

Direct synthesis of hydrogen peroxide in a microchannel reactor/heat exchanger

Citation : Dr. Udaya Bhaskar Reddy Ragula, Dutta, S., and Jennings, P., “Direct synthesis of hydrogen peroxid ...

Publisher :2015.

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