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Edge Detection Using Sparse Banded Filter Matrices

Citation : Sowmya, Dr. Neethu Mohan, and Dr. Soman K. P., “Edge Detection Using Sparse Banded Filter Matrices ...

Publisher :Procedia Computer Science

Economic Models, Growth and Sustainable Development

Citation : Shyam Nath, “Economic Models, Growth and Sustainable Development”, in Youth Conference on Small ...

Publisher :Youth Conference on Small Island Developing States and Climate Change

Ecdysterone Mediates Wound Healing in a Nitric Oxide Dependent Manner in 3T3L1 Fibroblasts.

Citation : A. Omanakuttan, Dr. Geetha Kumar, and Dr. Bipin G. Nair, “Ecdysterone Mediates Wound Healing in a ...

Publisher :The XXXIX All India Cell Biology Conference

An ECDD technique to optimize QoS in wireless overlay network for multipath video streaming

Citation : B. Uma Maheswari and Dr. T.S.B. Sudarshan, “An ECDD technique to optimize QoS in wireless overlay ...

Publisher :Proceedings of the 2015 International Conference on Applied and Theoretical Computing and Communication Technology, iCATccT 2015

Early Stage FPGA Architecture Development by Exploiting Dependence on Logic density

Citation : P. L. Paleri and Ramesh S. R., “Early Stage FPGA Architecture Development by Exploiting Dependence ...

Publisher :International Journal Of Applied Engineering Research

Dynamics of Premixed Hydrogen-Air Flames in Microchannels with a Wall Temperature Gradient

Citation : Aa Nair, Dr. Ratna Kishore V., and Kumar, Sb, “Dynamics of Premixed Hydrogen-Air Flames in Microch ...

Publisher :Combustion Science and Technology

Dynamic tracking of web activity accessed by users using cookies

Publisher :Research Journal of Applied Sciences, Engineering and Technology

Dynamic Modeling and Control of UPFC for Power Flow Control

Citation : P. S and Dr. Sindhu Thampatty K.C., “Dynamic Modeling and Control of UPFC for Power Flow Control ...

Publisher :Elsevier, Procedia Technology

Dynamic mechanical properties of nanoclay filled TPU/PP blends with compatibiliser

Citation : Dr. Kannan M., K. Joseph, and S. Thomas, “Dynamic mechanical properties of nanoclay filled TPU/PP ...

Publisher :Plastics, Rubber and Composites, Maney Publishing

Dynamic facial emotion recognition from 4D video sequences

Citation : Dr. Suja P. and Dr. Shikha Tripathi, “Dynamic facial emotion recognition from 4D video sequences ...

Publisher :Contemporary Computing (IC3), 2015 Eighth International Conference on IEEE

Dynamic Context-specific User Profiles by Regression Modelling

Citation : Dr. Rajathilagam B., Murali, R., and Balaji, B., “Dynamic Context-specific User Profiles by Regres ...

Publisher :Proceedings of GSTF CGAT

Dynamic Context-based User Profiles by Regression Modeling

Citation : B. Rajathilagam, B, B., and Dr. Murali Rangarajan, “Dynamic Context-based User Profiles by Regress ...

Publisher :of the 8th Annual International Conference on Computer Games, Multimedia and Allied Technology (CGAT 2015)

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