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Thyroid autoimmunity in endometriosis. British journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology online supplement

Publisher :British journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology online supplement

Threshold conditions and bound states for locally periodic delta potentials

Citation : M. Dharani, Sahu, B., and Shastry, C. S., “Threshold conditions and bound states for locally perio ...

Three-dimensional simulations of steady perforated-plate stabilized propane-air premixed flames

Citation : Jithin, E.V., Kishore, V.R., Varghese, R.J., "Three-dimensional simulations of steady perforated-pla ...

Publisher :Energy and Fuels

Three Body Abrasion Wear Behaviour of Functionally Graded Aluminium/B4C Metal Matrix Composite Using Design of Experiments

Citation : Dr. Radhika N and .Raghu, R., “Three Body Abrasion Wear Behaviour of Functionally Graded Aluminium ...

Publisher :International Conference on 12th Global Congress on Manufacturing and Management

Thottathinum pidichathinum antibiotic- an article on misuse of antibiotics

Citation : Prof. Sunil M., “Thottathinum pidichathinum antibiotic- an article on misuse of antibiotics”, Ar ...

Publisher :Arogyamangalam

Thermo-responsive Fibrinogen Nanogels: a Viable Thermo-responsive Drug Delivery Agent for Breast Cancer Therapy?

Citation : M. Sreerenganathan, Mony, U., and Dr. Jayakumar Rangasamy, “Thermo-responsive Fibrinogen Nanogels: ...

Publisher :Nanomedicine

Thermo Mechanical Analysis of Single Point Cutting Tool using Fem Approach

Citation : T. Mohanraj, .MuthuKrishnan, A., C. Kumar, N., and Prasannababu, R., “Thermo Mechanical Analysis o ...

Publisher :International Conference on Advances in Mechanical and Mechatronics Engineering

A Theoritical approach on the moderating effect of competitive positioning

Publisher :American International Journal of Research in Humanities, Arts and Social

A Theoritical approach on the moderating effect of competitive positioning on consumer reactions to Corporate Social Responsibility

Publisher :American International Journal of Research in Humanities, Arts and Social; Sciences

Theoretical Optimization of Airfoils for Different Wind Turbine Conditions

Citation : Madhushree M., Raghunadh Malla Venkata, Mohammed Abdul Junaid, Rajasekaran Akash, and Dr. Balajee Ra ...

Publisher :International Conference on Contemporary Challenges in Management, Technology and Social Sciences (Also published as Handbook of Management, Technology and Social Sciences edited by S. Pandey and Jain Singh organized by SEMS and MGIMT)

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