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Towards program execution summarization: Deriving state diagrams from sequence diagrams

Citation : Swaminathan J., D Kamath, K., and Jayaraman, B., “Towards program execution summarization: Derivin ...

Publisher :Seventh International Conference on Contemporary Computing (IC3), 2014

Towards MuGFETs: A Power Reduction Perspective

Citation : A. Sushmitha, Narthanaa, K., Aravindan, I., Kumar, A. S. Ajay, and Dr. Bala Tripura Sundari B., “T ...

Publisher :ICGCCEE

Towards improving the performance of text/language independent speaker recognition systems

Citation : K. K. George, Arunraj, K., Sreekumar, K. T., Dr. Santhosh Kumar C., and Dr. K. I. Ramachandran, “T ...

Publisher :2014 International Conference on Power Signals Control and Computations (EPSCICON)

Towards improving the performance of speaker recognition systems

Publisher :International Conference on Computational Systems and Communication

Towards Improving the Performance of Language Identification System for Indian Languages

Publisher :International Conference on Computational Systems and Communication

Towards enhancing the performance of multi-parameter patient monitors

Citation : V. Vaijeyanthi, Vishnuprasad, K., Dr. Santhosh Kumar C., Dr. K. I. Ramachandran, Gopinath, R., A Kum ...

Publisher :Healthcare technology letters, IET: Institution of Engineering and Technology,

Touch Based Gesture Recognition using Arduino

Citation : A. T.R.S, R, J. Joe Antoro, R, K., S, N., T, P., R, P., and Prabhu E., “Touch Based Gesture Recogn ...

Publisher :Proceedings of IRF International Conference

Total interpretive structural modelling on enablers of cloud computing

Citation : A. Ambika devi, Dr. Radhika N., and Pramod, V. R., “Total interpretive structural modelling on ena ...

Publisher :International journal of Research in Engineering and Technology

Total Closed Neighbourhood Graphs with Crossing Numbers One and Two

Publisher :Pacific - Asian Journal of Mathematics

Tool condition monitoring using K-star algorithm

Publisher :Expert Systems with Applications

TiO2 nanoparticles @ TiO2 nanofibers-an innovative one-dimensional material for dye-sensitized solar cells

Citation : G. S. Anjusree, Deepak, T. G., Pai, K. R. N., Jipnomon Joseph, Arun, T. A., Nair, S. V., and A. S. N ...

Publisher :RSC Advances

A TimeStamp Based Multi-version STM Algorithm

Citation : Dr. Priyanka Kumar, Peri, S., and Vidyasankar, K., “A TimeStamp Based Multi-version STM Algorithm ...

Publisher :Distributed Computing and Networking

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