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Explore the Motives for Organ Donation

Citation : Kanmani J and Thomas, D. S., “Explore the motives of organ donation”, Indian Journal of Public H ...

Publisher :Indian Journal of Public Health Research and Development

Exploration of Machine Learning Techniques for Cardiovascular Disease

Citation : D. Vinitha, Dr. Deepa Gupta, and Khare, S., “Exploration of Machine Learning Techniques for Cardio ...

Publisher :Applied Medical Informatics

Exploration of Alginate Hydrogel/Nano Zinc Oxide Composite Bandages for Infected Wounds

Citation : Dr. Jayakumar Rangasamy, M, A., T., S. Kumar. P., Raja Biswas, and K, L. V., “Exploration of Algin ...

Publisher :International Journal of Nanomedicine,

Exploiting point source approximation on detailed neuronal models to reconstruct single neuron electric field and population LFP

Citation : Harilal Parasuram, Dr. Bipin G. Nair, Giovanni Naldi, Egidio D'Angelo, and Dr. Shyam Diwakar, “Exp ...

Publisher :2015 International Joint Conference on Neural Networks (IJCNN), IEEE, Killarney, Ireland.

Experimentation and analysis of time series data from multi-path robotic environment

Citation : G. Radhakrishnan, Dr. Deepa Gupta, Sindhuula, S., Khokhawat, S., and Dr. T.S.B. Sudarshan, “Experi ...

Publisher :2015 IEEE International Conference on Electronics, Computing and Communication Technologies, CONECCT 2015

An experimental study on channel estimation and synchronization to reduce error rate in OFDM using GNU Radio

Citation : C. Anjana, Sundaresan, S., Zacharia, T., Gandhiraj R., and Soman, K. P., “An experimental study on ...

Publisher :Elsevier

Experimental study of heat transfer enhancement in automobile radiator using Al^2^O^3 water-ethylene glycol nanofluid coolants

Citation : K. P. Vasudevan Nambeesan, Parthiban, R., K Kumar, R., Athul, U. R., Vivek Mugundhan, and Dr. Thirum ...

Publisher :International Journal of Automotive and Mechanical Engineering

Experimental investigation on abrasive wear behavior of functionally graded aluminum composite

Citation : Dr. Radhika N and Raghu, R., “Experimental investigation on abrasive wear behavior of functionally ...

Publisher :Journal of Tribology, American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME)

Experimental investigation of using n-hexanol as additive to n-butanol/diesel blends in diesel engine to study the emission and performance characteristics

Citation : M. Vigneswaran and Dr. Thirumalini S., “Experimental investigation of using n-hexanol as additive ...

Publisher :International Journal of Applied Engineering Research

Experimental investigation of evaporative emission with variation in material characteristic and fuel levels

Citation : M. Mohan and Dr. Thirumalini S., “Experimental investigation of evaporative emission with variatio ...

Publisher :International Journal of Applied Engineering Research

Experimental determination of gasoline vapor loss due to sloshing in a fuel tank

Citation : Jolly J. and Lakshmikanthan C., “Experimental determination of gasoline vapor loss due to sloshing ...

Publisher :International Journal of Applied Engineering Research (IJAER)

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