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Fabrication of Poly (l-lactic acid)/gelatin Composite Tubular Scaffolds for Vascular Tissue Engineering

Citation : K. T. Shalumon, Deepthi, S., Anupama, M. S., Shantikumar V Nair, Dr. Jayakumar Rangasamy, and Chenna ...

Publisher :International Journal of Biological Macromolecules

Fabrication of low grass, smooth sidewall InGaAsP by methane–hydrogen inductively coupled plasma RIE through a metal lift-off mask patterned by e-beam lithography

Citation : Viswas Sadasivan, Dagar, S., and Das, U., “Fabrication of low grass, smooth sidewall InGaAsP by me ...

Publisher :Journal of vacuum science technology. B, Microelectronics and nanometer structures: processing, measurement, and phenomena: an official journal of the American Vacuum Society

Fabrication of InGaAsP/InP nano-photonic ridge waveguides using CH4+H2 ICP RIE and Al lift-off mask

Citation : Viswas Sadasivan and Utpal Das, “Fabrication of InGaAsP/InP nano-photonic ridge waveguides using C ...

Publisher :International Workshop on the Physics of Semiconductor Devices 2015 (IWPSD-15)

Extragalactic survey using GALEX–spitzer matching fields

Citation :
Lakshmi S. Bose, Narayanankutty Karuppath, N. V. Sujatha, and Jayant Murthy, “Extragalact ...

Publisher :Astronomy Letters

Extraction of relevant dataset for support vector machine training: A comparison

Publisher :2015 International Conference on Advances in Computing, Communications and Informatics, ICACCI 2015

An extensive review on generations of growth in telecommunication

Publisher :International Journal of Applied Engineering Research

An Extended Chameleon Algorithm for Document Clustering

Citation : G. Veena and K., L. N., “An Extended Chameleon Algorithm for Document Clustering”, in Advances i ...

Publisher :Advances in Intelligent Informatics, Springer International Publishing,

An Exponential Composition Algorithm Based UPQC for Power Quality Enhancement

Citation : Sindhu S., Dr. Sindhu M. R., and Nambiar, T. N. P., “An Exponential Composition Algorithm Based UP ...

Publisher :Procedia Technology

Exploring the Socio-Economic Impacts of Micro-Irrigation System (MIS): A Case Study of Public Tube wells in Gujarat, Western India

Citation : Dr. Viswanathan P. K. and Bahinipati, C., “Exploring the Socio-Economic Impacts of Micro-Irrigatio ...

Publisher :South Asia Water Studies Journal

Exploring sentiment analysis on Twitter data

Citation : Manju Venugopalan and Dr. Deepa Gupta, “Exploring sentiment analysis on Twitter data”, in Eighth ...

Publisher :Eighth International Conference on Contemporary Computing (IC3)

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