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An analysis and study on software health management of aircraft and other automobiles

Publisher :International Journal of Applied Engineering Research

Anacardic Acid regulates Gelatinases by modulation of MT1-MMP, TIMP-2 and EGF receptor signaling in Fibrosarcoma cells

Citation : Dr. Jyotsna Nambiar, Geetha B. Kumar, and Nair, B. G., “Anacardic Acid regulates Gelatinases by mo ...

Publisher :Amrita Bioquest

AMRITA Remote Triggered Wireless Sensor Network Laboratory Framework(poster)

Citation : Dr. Maneesha V. Ramesh, Preeja Pradeep, P., D., Arya Devi R. D., Rekha, P., Sangeeth K., and YV, R., ...

Publisher :Proceedings of the 11th ACM Conference on Embedded Networked Sensor Systems (SenSys). ACM, Italy.

AMRITA Remote Triggered Wireless Sensor Network Laboratory Framework

Citation : Dr. Maneesha V. Ramesh, Preeja Pradeep, P., D., Arya Devi R. D., Rekha, P., Sangeeth K., and YV, R., ...

Publisher :Proceedings of the 11th ACM Conference on Embedded Networked Sensor Systems (SenSys), ACM, Italy.

Amplitude computation of harmonic voltages based on Adaptive Comb filter in a smart grid system

Citation : B. Emayavaramban, R. Thiyagaraj, B. Vivek, Y.S. Kishan, and Supriya P., “Amplitude computation of ...

Publisher :2013 IEEE Conference on Information and Communication Technologies, ICT 2013

Amidoxime copolymer beads containing Cu/Cu2O microparticles as a biocidal material for water disinfection

Citation : Dr. Gangadharan D., Anand, P. Singh, Popat, K. Mangaldas, and Dixit, D., “Amidoxime copolymer bead ...

Publisher :Journal of Applied Polymer Science

Ambient temperature synthesis of citrate stabilized and biofunctionalized, fluorescent calcium fluoride nanocrystals for targeted labeling of cancer cells

Citation : S. Sasidharan, Jayasree, A., Fazal, S., Koyakutty, M., Shantikumar V. Nair, and Dr. Deepthy Menon, ...

Publisher :Biomaterials Science

Affine spaces and function mates

Citation : Subramanian P, Somasundaram K, Affine spaces and function mates,Journal of Algebra and Applied Mathe ...

An aetiopathological study of Yuvan pidaka w.s.r. to Rakta and Shukra dusti and therapeutic trial of respective Shodhak drugs

Citation :
B. Mrinal, Bandana, S., Dr. Rajeshwari P. N., Kumar, M. Sisir, and Sharma, S. K., “An aet ...

Publisher :IAMJ

Aerofoils for Small Vertical Axis Wind Turbines

Citation : Dr. Balajee Ramakrishnananda, Rakesh Krishnan, R.R. RevathyPriya, Akshay Basavara, and Sivaranjani G ...

Publisher :National Conference on Wind Tunnel Testing (NCWT-03) [CD-ROM]

Advantages of cubic arcs for approximating curved boundaries by subparametric transformations for some higher order triangular elements

Citation : Dr. V. Kesavulu Naidu and Dr. K.V. Nagaraja, “Advantages of cubic arcs for approximating curved bo ...

Publisher :Applied Mathematics and Computation

Advantages of chitin-based nanobiomaterials in nanomedicine

Citation : Sowmya S, Jayakumar R., and Shantikumar V Nair, “Advantages of chitin-based nanobiomaterials in na ...

Publisher :Marine Biomaterials: Characterization, Isolation and Applications

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