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Automatic Classification of Liver Diseases from Ultrasound Images Using GLRLM Texture Features

Citation : K. Raghesh Krishnan and Sudhakar, R., “Automatic Classification of Liver Diseases from Ultrasound ...

Publisher :Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing

Automated lung cancer detection by the analysis of glandular cells in sputum cytology images using scale space features

Citation : S. S. Kecheril, Dr. Venkataraman D., Suganthi, J., and Sujathan, K., “Automated lung cancer detect ...

Publisher :Signal, Image and Video Processing

Automated Generation of Concept Graphs

Publisher :Automated Generation of Concept Graphs

Au Nanoparticles-Polyaniline Nanocomposites Modified TiO2 Nanotube Array for Amperometric Determination of Ascorbic Acid

Citation : Sara Vargis Vidhu, Sree R. Jyothi, T. Ramachandran, Dr. Bipin G. Nair, and Dr. Satheesh Babu T. G., ...

Publisher :Amrita Bioquest

Attribute-based encryption with verifiable outsourced decryption

Publisher :IEEE Transactions on information forensics and security

Atomic Layer Deposition of Materials for Alternate Non-Volatile Memory Technologies

Citation : Dr. Sasangan Ramanathan, “Atomic Layer Deposition of Materials for Alternate Non-Volatile Memory T ...

Publisher :Invited Talk at the 13th Atomic Layer Deposition Conference, American Vacuum Society

Association of Hyperhomocysteinemia with Smoking, Hypertension, Diabetes and Age In Coronary Artery Disease Subjects

Citation : S. Palazhy, Dr. Damodaran Vasudevan, and Prakash Kamath, “Association of Hyperhomocysteinemia with ...

Publisher :Journal of Clinical and Preventive Cardiology

Assistive technology for pregnant women health care: Rural area, mobile ultrasound scan system

Citation : Rajesh Kannan Megalingam, Boopathi, Kb, Sarathkumar, K. Sb, Sreedevi, Sb, and Vishnu, G. Bb, “Assi ...

Publisher :c2013 IEEE Global Humanitarian Technology Conference: South Asia Satellite, GHTC-SAS 2013

Assessing the readiness to integrate tobacco control in medical curriculum: Experiences from five medical colleges in southern india

Citation : K. Ra Thankappan, Yamini, T. Ra, Mini, G. Ka, Arthur, Ca, Sairu, Pb, Leelamoni, Kc, Sani, Md, Unnikr ...

Publisher :National Medical Journal of India

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