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Conservation, Restoration, and Management of Mangrove Wetlands Against Risks of Climate Change and Vulnerability of Coastal Livelihoods in Gujarat

Citation : Dr. Viswanathan P. K., “Conservation, Restoration, and Management of Mangrove Wetlands Against Ris ...

Publisher :Knowledge Systems of Societies for Adaptation and Mitigation of Impacts of Climate Change, Environmental Science and Engineering

Conotruncal anomalies in the fetus: Referral patterns and pregnancy outcomes in a dedicated fetal cardiology unit in South India

Citation : Vaidyanathan B, Kumar S, Sudhakar A, Kumar RK., "Conotruncal anomalies in the fetus: Referral patter ...

Publisher :Annals of Pediatric Cardiology

Congenital isolated H-type tracheo-oesophageal fistula identified by milk scan

Publisher :European Journal of Nuclear Medicine and Molecular Imaging

Confocal Raman Imaging Study Showing Macrophage Mediated Biodegradation of Graphene in Vivo

Citation : A. Sasidharan, Girish C. M., Gowd, G. S., Nair, S., and Dr. Manzoor K., “Confocal Raman Imaging St ...

Publisher :Advanced Healthcare Materials

Conductive blends of camphoric carbon nanobeads anchored with MnO 2 for high-performance rechargeable electrodes in battery/supercapacitor applications

Citation : R. Ranjusha, Prathibha, V., Ramakrishna, S., A. Nair, S., Anjali, P., Subramanian, K. R. V., Sivakum ...

Publisher :Scripta Materialia

Conduction Studies on Cadmium Selenide (CdSe) Thin Films,

Citation : B. K. V, Dr. Rajni K. S., .Ramachandran, T., Biswas, S., and J, A., “Extraction And Absorption Stu ...

Publisher :International Conference on Thin Films Applications (ICTFA-2013)

Conditions governing the generalisation of threshold bound states by N attractive delta potentials in one and three dimensions

Citation : Ma Dharani, Sahu, Bb, and Shastry, C. Sc, “Conditions governing the generalisation of threshold bo ...

Publisher :Central European Journal of Physics

A Conceptual Design of UAE’s Smart Microgrid with Coordinated Power Management Strategy

Citation : Dr. V. Ravikumar Pandi, Kennedy, S., ElMoursi, M., Xiao, W., Jeong, H. D., and Mok, I. S., “A Conc ...

Publisher :13th Spanish Portuguese conference on Electrical Engineering (13CHLIE)

Concept Maps for Learning in a Flipped Classroom

Citation : Kamal Bijlani, Chatterjee, S., and Sruthy Anand, “Concept Maps for Learning in a Flipped Classroom ...

Publisher :Technology for Education (T4E), 2013 IEEE Fifth International Conference .

Concept and Analysis of Correlation Regression

Publisher :Kerala Journal of Ophthalmology

Computational modeling of Environmentally Responsive Hydrogels (ERH) for drug delivery system

Citation : N. P. K, Deepak, O. Mc, N, B., KS, S., A, J., Asha Asokan Manakadan, and P, R. U., “Computational ...

Publisher :Current Computer Aided Drug Design

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