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A Novel PWM Technique For Seven Level Multilevel H-Bridge Inverter Topology

Citation : V. S. Kirthika Devi and Srivani, S. G., “A Novel PWM Technique For Seven Level Multilevel H-Bridge ...

Publisher :Iceecie 2015

A novel on-chip ACPW fed monopole antenna for ISM band applications

Publisher :International Journal of Applied Engineering Research

A novel method to preserve privacy: Two- tiered privacy preservation

Citation : B.A. Sabarish, Divya, C., Shankar, H., and Pradisa, S., “A novel method to preserve privacy: Two- ...

Publisher :International Journal of Applied Engineering Research, Research India Publications

A Novel Method for Secure Image Steganography

Publisher :Artificial Intelligence and Evolutionary Algorithms in Engineering Systems: Proceedings of ICAEES 2014, Volume 1

A Novel Method for MP3 Steganalysis

Publisher :Intelligent Computing, Communication and Devices: Proceedings of ICCD 2014, Volume 1

A novel IoT-Based energy management system for large scale data centers

Citation : S. Sharad, Dr. Bhagavathi Sivakumar P., and Anantha Narayanan V., “A novel IoT-Based energy manage ...

Publisher :Association for Computing Machinery, Inc

A novel cuckoo search approach to detection in spatially correlated MIMO channels

Citation : Dr. Ramanathan R. and Dr. Jayakumar M., “A novel cuckoo search approach to detection in spatially ...

Publisher :Inderscience Publishers (IEL)

A Novel Authentication Framework for Hadoop

Citation : P. K. Rahul and Dr. Gireesh K. T., “A Novel Authentication Framework for Hadoop”, in Artificial ...

Publisher :Artificial Intelligence and Evolutionary Algorithms in Engineering Systems: Proceedings of ICAEES 2014, Volume 1

A Novel Approach in Demand Side Management for Smart Home

Citation : G. N., V.V., V., and Dr. Radhika N., “A Novel Approach in Demand Side Management for Smart Home” ...

Publisher :ICSGT 2015 Procedia Technology

Notice of Retraction Experimental study on gate areas using L-band channel with WiMax frequency for efficient aircraft communication

Citation : K. Sandhya and Dr. N. Rakesh, “Notice of Retraction Experimental study on gate areas using L-band ...

Publisher :2015 International Conference on Electrical, Electronics, Signals, Communication and Optimization (EESCO)

A Note On Set-Indexed Graphs

Citation : K. Abhishek, “A Note On Set-Indexed Graphs”, Journal of Discrete Mathematical Sciences and Crypt ...

Publisher :Journal of Discrete Mathematical Sciences and Cryptography

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