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Gradual Transition Detection Based on Fuzzy Logic Using Visual Attention Model

Citation : A. Joseph and Amudha, J., “Gradual Transition Detection Based on Fuzzy Logic Using Visual Attentio ...

Publisher :Recent Advances in Intelligent Informatics, Springer International Publishing

Gold-chitin-manganese Dioxide Ternary Composite Nanogels for Radio Frequency Assisted Cancer Therapy

Citation : N. S. Rejinold, Ranjusha, R., Balakrishnan, A., Mohammed, N., and Dr. Jayakumar Rangasamy, “Gold-c ...

Publisher :RSC Advances

Globalisation to Glocalisation : An illustrated study of Mc Donalds and Starbuck

Publisher :UGC Sponsored- National Seminar Re- inventing and Recasting the Praxis of Globalisation

On global energy scenario, dye-sensitized solar cells and the promise of nanotechnology

Citation : K. G. Reddy, Deepak, T. G., Anjusree, G. S., S. Thomas, Vadukumpully, S., Subramanian, K. R. V., Nai ...

Publisher :Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics

Gesture recognition using Kinect in a virtual classroom environment

Citation : Balaji Hariharan ,; Padmini, S ,; Gopalakrishnan, Uma . "Gesture recognition using Kinect in a virtu ...

Publisher :Digital Information and Communication Technology and it's Applications (DICTAP), 2014 Fourth International Conference.

Genetic algorithm based test pattern generation for multiple stuck-at faults and test power reduction in VLSI circuits

Citation : Dr. Anita J. P. and Vanathi, P. T., “Genetic algorithm based test pattern generation for multiple ...

Publisher :International Conference on Electronics and Communication Systems

A generic bio inspired framework for detecting Humans Based on saliency detection

Citation : R. Aarthi, Amudha J., and P, U., “A generic bio inspired framework for detecting Humans Based on s ...

Publisher :International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Evolutionary Algorithms in Engineering Systems-2014 (ICAEES-2014)

Generating EAN-13 Standard Barcodes

Publisher :International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR)

Gene set enrichment analysis of tp53 with concept glioma and single nucleotide polymorphism by computational approach

Publisher :international conference on emerging trends in drug discovery-AICADD

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