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National recommendations: Psychosocial management of diabetes in India

Citation : S. Kalra, Sridhar, G. R., Balhara, Y. Pal Singh, Sahay, R. Kumar, Bantwal, G., Baruah, M. P., John, ...

Publisher :Indian journal of endocrinology and metabolism

Narayaneeyam Vaidyadrishtiyil

Citation : Dhanya K. V., “Narayaneeyam Vaidyadrishtiyil”, Amritakshari, 2013.

Publisher :Amritakshari

Narayaneeyam vaidhyadrishtiyil

Citation : Dhanya K. V., “Narayaneeyam vaidhyadrishtiyil”, Viswavedi, 2013.

Publisher :Viswavedi

Nanosponges: A novel approach of drug delivery system

Citation : G. Jilsha and Viswanad, V., “Nanosponges: A novel approach of drug delivery system”, Internation ...

Publisher :International Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences Review and Research

Nanomaterial Processing using Self-assembly-Bottom-up Chemical and Biological Approaches

Citation : Dr. T. Rajagopalan, Korampally, V., Ghosh, A., Chanda, N., Gangopadhyay, K., and Gangopadhyay, S., ...

Publisher :Reports on Progress in Physics (Invited Review)

Nanocrystalline Copper Indium Selenide (CuInSe2) Particles for Solar Energy Harvesting

Citation : W. Mengxi, Yeng-Ming, L., Sudip Kumar Batabyal, Zhenggang, L., and Gautam, M. Subodh, “Nanocrystal ...

Publisher :RSC Advances

Nanocomposites from chlorobutyl rubber for advanced applications

Publisher :National Conference on Recent trends in Material Science Technology

Nanoclay effect on transport properties of thermoplastic polyurethane/polypropylene (TPU/PP) blends

Citation : Dr. Kannan M., Bhagawan, S. S., Sabu Thomas, and Kuruvilla Joseph, “Nanoclay effect on transport p ...

Publisher :Journal of Polymer Research

Nail-Patella Syndrome—A Novel Mutation in the LMX1B Gene

Citation : R. R. Nair, Unni, V. N., Indu, K. N., Nampoothiri, S., Mathew, A., Kurian, G., and Vimala, A., “Na ...

Publisher :Clinical Kidney Journal

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