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Mathematica on Raspberry Pi: A low cost platform for Computational experiments and symbolic computing

Publisher :International conference on signal and speech processing

Management of Vatarakta: A Case report

Citation : Haritha Chandran, Rashmi, C., Brata, T. Tapas, and Vaidya, S., “Management of Vatarakta: A Case re ...

Publisher :JAPS

Management of sepsis in Emergency Department

Publisher :Amrita Journal of Medicine

Management of Fever among children

Citation : A. C. Joseph, Prof. Anila K. P., and Indukala, C. K., “Management of Fever among children”, Nigh ...

Publisher :Nightingale Nursing Times

Management of Carcinoma cervix stage Ib

Publisher :Management of Carcinoma cervix stage Ib

Malicious Stuck-At Fault and Somersault Trojan Detection in Combinational Circuits using Power Analysis

Citation : N Mohankumar, “Malicious Stuck-At Fault and Somersault Trojan Detection in Combinational Circuits ...

Publisher :Proceedings of 6th IRF International Conference

Malicious Combinational Hardware Trojan Detection by Gate Level Characterization in 90nm technology

Citation : D. K. Karunakaran and N Mohankumar, “Malicious Combinational Hardware Trojan Detection by Gate Lev ...

Publisher :Fifth International Conference on Computing, Communications and Networking Technologies (ICCCNT)

Malayalam WordNet

Publisher :International Journal Language in India

Malayalam Character Recognition Using Singular Value Decomposition

Publisher :International Journal of Computer Applications

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