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UV Emission from TAURUS Molecular Cloud

Publisher :23rd Swadeshi Science Congress

Utlilization of Limnocharisflava, an invasive exotic aquatic weed from Kuttanad wetland ecosystem as a potential feedstock for aquaculture

Citation : Dr. Smitha Chandran S. and Smitha Asok, “Utlilization of Limnocharisflava, an invasive exotic aqua ...

Publisher :International Seminar on Advances in Aquaculture Technologies (ISATT-2013)

Utlilization of Limnocharis flava, an invasive exotic aquatic weed from Kuttanad wetland ecosystem as a potential feedstock for aquaculture

Citation : the International Seminar on Advances in Aquaculture Technologies (ISATT-2013) organized by Departme ...

Publisher :International Seminar on Advances in Aquaculture Technologies (ISATT-2013)

User-Adaptive Energy-aware Security for Mobile Devices

Citation : S. Sankaran and Sridhar, R., “User-Adaptive Energy-aware Security for Mobile Devices”, IEEE Conf ...

Publisher :IEEE Conference on Communications and Network Security (CNS)

Uridine monophosphate kinase as potential target for tuberculosis: from target to lead identification

Citation : A. A1, V, J., P, S., and Dr. Gopi Mohan C., “Uridine monophosphate kinase as potential target for ...

Publisher :Interdisciplinary Sciences: Computational Life Sciences (Springer)

Upper bounds for sorting permutations with a transposition tree

Publisher :Discrete Mathematics, Algorithms and Applications

An updated review of cyclodextrins -an enabling technology for challenging pharmaceutical formulations

Publisher :International Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences

Updated clinical classification of pulmonary hypertension

Publisher :Journal of the American College of Cardiology

An unusual variant of urethral duplication: An addition to the Effman classification

Citation : Abraham MK, Garge S, Sudarshan B, Vishwanath N, Puzhankara R, Paliwal A, Prabhakaran A, Naaz A, Nara ...

Publisher :International Urology and Nephrology

Unusual incised stab wound produced by a single edged weapon: A case report

Citation : B. James, Balachandran, A., Anu Sasidharan, Ramakrishanan, U. K., Prem, T. N., and Jerry, T., “Unu ...

Publisher :Indian Journal of Forensic Medicine and Toxicology

An unusual example of isolated double-orifice tricuspid valve

Citation : Sapre A, Gopalraj SS, Kottayil BP, Kumar RK. "An unusual example of isolated double-orifice tricuspi ...

Publisher :Annals of Pediatric Cardiology

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