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Strategy Formation for Higher Education Institutions Using System Dynamics Modeling

Publisher :International Journal of Intelligent Technologies and Applied Statistics

Stock Clearance’ (Poem)

Citation : Deepa Kumari S., “Stock Clearance’ (Poem)”, The Dawn Journal, 2014.

Publisher :The Dawn Journal

Steganography in Audio Signals using Variable Bit Replacement Method in DCT Domain

Publisher :International Journal of Engineering Research and Technology

Statistical Modeling and Analysing of Wear Behaviour of LM25 Al/B4C/Gr Hybrid Composites’

Citation : Dr. Radhika N and .Raghu, R., “Statistical Modeling and Analysing of Wear Behaviour of LM25 Al/B4C ...

Publisher :International Conference on “Modeling, Optimisation and Computing, Noorul Islam University, Kumaracoil, Kanyakumari Dist, 2014.

Statistical modeling and analysing of wear behaviour of LM25 Al/B4C/Gr hybrid composites

Publisher :International Journal of Applied Engineering Research

Static aeroelastic analysis of composite wings

Citation : Barathwaj N. C., Prashanth R., Ashwani P., Akhil A. V., and Dr. Laxman Vaitla, “Static aeroelastic ...

Publisher :International Conference on Theoretical, Applied, Computational and Experimental Mechanics

Staphylococcus aureus in polymicrobial infections: impact on pathogenesis

Citation : N. Nair, Dr. Raja Biswas, Götz, F., and Biswas, L., “Staphylococcus aureus in polymicrobial infec ...

Publisher :Infection and Immunity, American Society for Microbiology,

SQL-MapReduce hybrid approach towards distributed projected clustering

Citation : Sandhya Harikumar, Shyju, M., and Dr. Kaimal, M. R., “SQL-MapReduce hybrid approach towards distri ...

Publisher :International Conference on Data Science and Engineering, ICDSE 2014

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