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Clinical attachment level gain and bone regeneration around a glass ionomer restoration on root surface wall of periodontal pocket

Citation : K. Ra Biniraj, Sagir, Mb, Sunil, M. Mc, and Janardhanan, M., “Clinical attachment level gain and b ...

Publisher :Journal of Indian Society of Periodontology

Clinical And Laboratory profile of dengue fever in geriatric patients: A south Indian perspective

Citation : R. Unnikrishnan, Faizal, B., Paul, G., Vijayakumar, P., Senan, S., and .N.Sharma, R., “Clinical An ...

Publisher :Abstract of original article: Journal of the Indian academy of geriatrics

Clause boundary identification for Tamil language using dependency parsing

Citation : A. M Kumar, Dhanalakshmi, V., Dhivya, R., and Dr. Soman K. P., “Clause Boundary Identification for ...

Publisher :Lecture Notes of the Institute for Computer Sciences, Social-Informatics and Telecommunications Engineering

Clause boundary identification for Tamil language using dependency parsing (2012) Lecture Notes of the Institute for Computer Sciences

Citation : R. Dhivya, Soman, K. P., M. Kumar, A., and Dhanalakshmi, V., “Clause boundary identification for T ...

Publisher :Social-Informatics and Telecommunications Engineering, 62 LNICST

Classification of Periodic, Chaotic and Random Sequences using NSRPS Complexity Measure

Citation : N. Nagaraj, Prabhu, G. R., VK, L., Krishnan, M., R, P., and Balasubramanian, K., “Classification o ...

Publisher :National Conference on Nonlinear Systems and Dynamics

Classification of Normal and Epileptic EEG Signal Using Time Frequency Domain Features through Artificial Neural Network

Publisher :2012 International Conference on Advances in Computing and Communications

Class of sustainable supply chain routing problems – framework and comprehensive review

Citation : P. Sivakumar, K. Ganesh, Yves Ducq, and Dr. Anbuudayasankar S. P., “Class of sustainable supply ch ...

Publisher :International Journal of Services and Operations Management

A class of solvable coupled nonlinear oscillators with amplitude independent frequencies

Citation : V. Ka Chandrasekar, Sheeba, J. Ha, Pradeep, RaGladwin, Divyasree, R. Sab, and Lakshmanan, Ma, “A c ...

Publisher :Physics Letters, Section A: General, Atomic and Solid State Physics

Circle Like Strange Attractor in a Piecewise Smooth Map

Citation : Dr. Biswambhar Rakshit, Soumitro Banerjee, and Kazuyuki Aihara, “Circle Like Strange Attractor in ...

Publisher :IFAC Proceedings Volumes

CIGS (CuInGaSSe) photovoltaic device from solution based approach

Citation : B. Sudip Kumar, H., W. Lydia, M., L. Yeng, and G., M. Subodh, “CIGS (CuInGaSSe) photovoltaic devic ...

Publisher :APVIA

Chronic pancreatitis: South Indian perspective

Citation : G. Rajesh and Balakrishnan, V., “Chronic pancreatitis: South Indian perspective”, Medicine, vol. ...

Publisher :Medicine

Chromobacterium violaceum-A rare cause of infected pancreatic pseudocyst

Citation : Aa Kumar, Dr. Sudhindran S., Dinesh, K. Ra, Vinod, Va, and Karim, Sa, “Chromobacterium violaceum-A ...

Publisher :Infectious Diseases in Clinical Practice

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