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Constructing a personalized e-learning system for students with autism based on soft semantic web technologies

Citation : Dr. M.V. Judy, Krishnakumar, U., and Narayanan, A. G. H., “Constructing a personalized e-learning ...

Publisher :Proceedings - 2012 IEEE International Conference on Technology Enhanced Education

Constraining extracellular matrix by modeling local field potential

Citation : Parasuram H. and Dr. Shyam Diwakar, “Constraining extracellular matrix by modeling local field pot ...

Publisher :INCF workshop, India .

Conservation, Restoration and Management of Mangrove Wetlands against risks of Climate Change and Vulnerability of Coastal Livelihoods in Gujarat

Citation : Dr. Viswanathan P. K., “Conservation, Restoration and Management of Mangrove Wetlands against risk ...

Publisher :2012

Computer vision based approach for Indian sign language character recognition

Citation : R. K. Shangeetha., Valliammai., V., and Dr. Padmavathi S., “Computer vision based approach for Ind ...

Publisher :2012 International Conference on Machine Vision and Image Processing

Computer Aided Detection and Diagnosis of Masses in Dense Tissue Breasts

Citation : Dr. Lavanya R., Sunith, G. N., Pradeep, S., DivyaBonagiri,, Anusha, A., and AbhipsaSamantra, “Comp ...

Publisher :Proceedings of International Conference on Information Technology, Electronics Communications

Computational Thinking with Spreadsheet: Convolution, High-Precision Computing and Filtering of Signals and Images

Citation : KP Soman, Sachin Kumar S, Soumya V, Shajeesh KU, Computational Thinking with Spreadsheet: Convolutio ...

Publisher :International Journal of Computer Applications

Computational Thinking with Spreadsheet: Convolution , high precision computing, Signal and Image Processing

Citation : K. P. Soman, K.Ummer, S., Sowmya, V., and Sachin Kumar S., “Computational Thinking with Spreadshee ...

Publisher :International Journal of Computer Applications

Computation of continuous wavelet transform using microsoft excel spreadsheet

Citation : P. Prabha, Sikha O. K., Suchithra M., Sukanya, P., Sowmya, and Dr. Soman K. P., “Computation of co ...

Publisher :IEEE

Composition of plasma and atheromatous plaque among coronary artery disease subjects consuming coconut oil or sunflower oil as the cooking medium.

Citation : S. Palazhy, Kamath, P., Rajesh, P. C., Vaidyanathan, K., Nair, S. K., and Dr. Damodaran Vasudevan, ...

Publisher :Journal of the American College of Nutrition

Competency-based Training Needs Assessment Model

Citation : Dr. R. G. Priyaadharshini and Dave, D., “Competency-based Training Needs Assessment Model”, Mana ...

Publisher :Management and Labour Studies

Compass Gait Biped Robot Based on Partial Feedback Linearization

Citation : Dr. Sreeja Kochuvila, Dr. Shikha Tripathi, and T.S.B, S., “Compass Gait Biped Robot Based on Parti ...

Publisher :Springer Link

Comparison of theory with experimental data for nanoclay-filled TPU/PP blend

Citation : Dr. Kannan M., Bhagawan, S. S., Sabu Thomas, and Kuruvilla Joseph, “Comparison of theory with expe ...

Publisher :Industrial and Engineering Chemistry Research

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