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Low cost digital transceiver design for software defined radio using Rtl-Sdr (2012)

Citation : A. M., Dr. Soman K. P., R., G., M.B., S., and Akhil Manikkoth, “Low cost digitaltransceiver design ...

Publisher :IBM Conference

Low Cost Digital transceiver design for Software Defined Radiio using RTL-SDR (Design Idea)

Citation : M. Abirami, Akhil Manikkoth, Sruthi, M. B., Gandhiraj R., and K. P. Soman, “Low Cost Digital trans ...

Publisher :I-CARE

Low complex pre-distortion type adaptive channel equalization technique for slow-fading symmetric channels

Citation : Ra Deepa and Baskaran, Kb, “Low complex pre-distortion type adaptive channel equalization techniqu ...

Publisher :Procedia Engineering

Long term cycling studies of electrospun TiO 2 nanostructures and their composites with MWCNTs for rechargeable Li-ion batteries

Citation : P. Zhu, Wu, Y., M.V. Ramana Reddy, A. Nair, S., Chowdari, B. V. R., and Ramakrishna, S., “Long ter ...

Publisher :RSC Advances

Locating emergency responders in disaster area using wireless sensor network

Citation :
K. A. T., Madhusoodanan, A., and Dr. Maneesha V. Ramesh, “Locating emergency responders i ...

Publisher :Lecture Notes of the Institute for Computer Sciences, Social-Informatics and Telecommunications Engineering

Locating and Monitoring Emergency Responder using a Wearable Device

Citation : A. T. Kunnath, Preeja Pradeep, and Dr. Maneesha V. Ramesh, “Locating and Monitoring Emergency Resp ...

Publisher :ICACCI

Liver directing uridine-based paramagnetic amphiphilic T1 MRI contrast agent with high relaxivity

Citation : H. Lee, Bhuniya, S., Moon, H., Kim, J. S., and Hong, K. - S., “Liver directing uridine-based param ...

Publisher :Proceedings of the international society for magnetic resonance in medicine

Liquisolid technique for enhanced dissolution of curcumin and targeting to colon cancer

Citation : R. John and M, S., “Liquisolid technique for enhanced dissolution of curcumin and targeting to col ...

Publisher :SRM university


Citation : , Shriram, K. V., RMD, S., and Subashri, V., “Linux”, 1st ed., New Delhi, India: New Age Publish ...

Publisher :New Age Publishers

Level Set Methodology for Tamil Document Image Binarization and Segmentation

Citation : S. Karthik, .V.K, H., ,, and Dr. Soman K. P., “Level Set Methodology for Tamil Document Image Bina ...

Publisher :IJCA

Leuconostoc garlicum: an unusual pathogen in the era of vancomycin therapy

Citation : Anil Kumar, Deepthi Augustine, Asmita Mehta, Kavitha R Dinesh, Darsana Viswam, Rosamma Philip "Leuco ...

Publisher :Indian journal of chest diseases allied sciences

Legal Pluralism in Natural Resource Management: South and South-East Asian Perspectives

Citation : Dr. Amalendu Jyotishi and Dr. Sushanta Kumar Mahapatra, “Legal Pluralism in Natural Resource Manag ...

Publisher :Excel India Publishers

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