Publication Type : Conference Paper
Publisher : A2CWiC'10
Source : Proceedings of the 1st Amrita ACM-W Celebration of Women in Computing in India, A2CWiC'10, Coimbatore (2010)
Url :
ISBN : 9781450301947
Keywords : Algorithms, Classifiers, Clustering approach, Commonly used, Computer crime, Data mining, Data mining techniques, Decision trees, Detectors, Feature extraction, Intrusion detection, Intrusion Detection Systems, K-means, Network security, Performance comparison, Product research, ranking algorithm, Self organizing maps, Wireless intrusion, Wireless local area networks (WLAN), Wireless security, WLAN networks
Campus : Amritapuri
School : School of Biotechnology
Department : Bioinformatics
Year : 2010
Abstract : pWireless security is becoming an important area of product research and development. Wireless Intrusion detection Systems are commonly used in WLAN network for detecting wireless attacks. Classifiers are commonly used as detectors in these systems. Finding an efficient classifier as well selecting best set of features becomes very important for implementing these intrusion detection systems. In this paper, we are finding optimital set of features from collected WLAN data using a Ranking Algorithm technique. Then with the aid of different data mining techniques such as K-Means, self organizing map and decision tree, these features are analyzed and the performance comparison is carried out. © 2010 ACM./p
Cite this Research Publication : A. M. Nambiar, Asha Vijayan, and Nandakumar, A., “Wireless intrusion detection based on different clustering approaches”, in Proceedings of the 1st Amrita ACM-W Celebration of Women in Computing in India, A2CWiC'10, Coimbatore, 2010.