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Vision Based Gesture Recognition

Publication Type : Conference Proceedings

Source : Procedia Computer Science

Campus : Amritapuri

School : School of Computing

Year : 2023

Abstract : The use of computers has become an integral part of our daily lives, and they are utilized in various fields. However, traditional input devices such as a mouse and keyboard can sometimes be limiting. Hand gestures can provide a more natural and efficient way of interacting with computers. However, since gestures can vary in orientation and shape from person to person, this creates a non-linear problem. Hence we propose an image-based gesture recognition method that leverages well-established models. The models were trained on a diverse dataset encompassing a wide range of gestures performed by various individuals under different environmental conditions. The experiments exhibit remarkable adaptability to different gestures resulting in a robust and accurate recognition in real-world scenarios. This research will help in creating better human-computer interaction interfaces offering users more natural and efficient ways to interact with computers. The improved gesture recognition systems elevate overall user experience and productivity.

Cite this Research Publication : Hrishikesh P,Akshay V, Anugraha K, Subramaniam T.R.H, Jyothisha J. Nair, Vision Based Gesture Recognition, Procedia Computer Science, 2023.

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