Publication Type : Journal Article
Publisher : Materials Today: Proceedings
Source : Materials Today: Proceedings 66 (2022): 1571-1577.
Url :
Campus : Amritapuri
School : School of Engineering, School of Physical Sciences
Department : Electronics and Communication, Physics
Year : 2022
Abstract : In the current scenario, most countries are facing power shortage issues due to an increase in demand for power supply and a lack of viable alternative power generation methods. Predominantly, conventional non-renewable energy sources are used in the world today. Primary energy sources such as oil, coal, and natural gases are getting depleted fast and may come to an end soon. There is an urgent need for non-conventional renewable, and green energy sources. In the last three decades, there have been more studies on alternative energy sources such as energy harvesting using piezoelectricity. In this paper, the focus is on energy harvesting from ambient ultra-sonic sound sources with the help of piezoelectric devices. Ultra-sonic sound is abundantly available in UV scanners used in hospitals, rocket stations, and so on. This high-frequency mechanical energy can be converted into electrical energy with the help of proper piezoelectric materials. For the selection of suitable piezoelectric materials for ultra-sonic energy harvesting, a study was done using the simulation of an ultrasonic transducer. Various parameters such as lowest eigenmode, surface electric potential, susceptance, stress developed, total energy, and displacement were analyzed for different materials and the different metal electrodes. For the study, different types of materials such as natural piezoelectric materials, polymers, semiconductors, and ceramics were considered. Since the piezoelectric energy harvesting devices also be worn on the human body, a literature study was done to avoid hazardous materials. Our studies indicate that poled Barium Titanate can be used as a suitable biocompatible piezoelectric material along with Silver or Copper as the electrode for ultrasonic transducer applications.
Cite this Research Publication : Sreeja, SD Baby, P. R. Sreenidhi, C. O. Sreekala, and Sundararaman Gopalan. "Ultrasonic energy harvester: Biocompatible material selection." Materials Today: Proceedings 66 (2022): 1571-1577