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Twitter Sentiment Analysis on E-commerce Websites in India

Publication Type : Journal Article

Publisher : International Journal of Computer Applications

Source : International Journal of Computer Applications. 127. 14-18. 10.5120/ijca2015906730.

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Campus : Faridabad

School : School of Artificial Intelligence

Year : 2015

Abstract : In today’s era, social media has become a valuable source of information, where people express their opinions. Analysis of such opinion-related data can provide productive insights. When these opinions are relevant to a company, accurate analysis can provide them with information like product quality, influencers affecting other customer decisions, early feedback on newly launched products, company news, trends and also knowledge about their competitors. Hence, harnessing and extracting insights from these sentiments is necessary for these companies to implement effective marketing strategies and better customer service. Carrying the same notion forward, we decided to extract sentiments from Twitter relevant to two e-commerce giants in India, Flipkart and Snapdeal. In this paper, various lexicon based approaches are applied and their accuracy is investigated.

Cite this Research Publication : Jhaveri, Devang & Chaudhari, Aunsh & Kurup, Lakshmi, "Twitter Sentiment Analysis on E-commerce Websites in India," International Journal of Computer Applications, 127. 14-18. 10.5120/ijca2015906730. (2015)

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