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Towards efficient resource provisioning in Vehicular Networks

Publication Type : Conference Proceedings

Thematic Areas : Amrita Center for Cybersecurity Systems and Networks

Publisher : IEEE Biennial International Conference on Technological Advancements in Power Energy

Source : IEEE Biennial International Conference on Technological Advancements in Power & Energy (TAPEnergy) 2017 (2017)

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Campus : Amritapuri

School : Center For Environmental Studies, Centre for Cybersecurity Systems and Networks, School of Engineering

Center : Cyber Security

Department : cyber Security

Year : 2017

Abstract : The growing technological advancements in the fields of computation and communication technologies has enabled a communication network of vehicles, interacting among themselves to facilitate safe and efficient traffic in urban environments, termed as Vehicular Ad Hoc Network (VANET). VANETs depend on computational units called Road Side Units (RSUs), deployed along the highway to enable connectivity to moving vehicles in the network. Developing mechanisms for efficient resource provisioning of RSUs are of significant importance for energy efficiency in Vehicular networks. Towards this goal, we develop a model to dynamically resize computational resources of RSUs based on vehicle density. The proposed model utilizes queuing theory to determine the optimum number of computational units required to handle data exchanges depending on the vehicle density. Preliminary results in MATLAB/Simulink environment show feasibility and effectiveness of the proposed solution for achieving energy efficient operation in VANETs.

Cite this Research Publication : S. Anil Kumar, J, J., and Sankaran, S., “Towards efficient resource provisioning in Vehicular Networks”, IEEE Biennial International Conference on Technological Advancements in Power & Energy (TAPEnergy) 2017. 2017.

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