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Tongue Entrapment in a Plastic Bottleneck

Publication Type : Case Reports

Source : Bengal Journal of Otolaryngology and Head NeckSurgery

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Campus : Kochi

School : School of Medicine

Year : 2018

Abstract : Oral foreign bodies and perioral injuries are common occurrence among paediatric population. These may range from benign occurrences to those that may threaten the airway. One such injury is tongue entrapment into objects like plastic bottle neck. Tongue entrapment in bottle neck is rare with very few cases reported in literature.

Cite this Research Publication : Ram Rajmani Singh, Nikesh Meghji Gosrani, Tejal Patel, Khitij Dhaval Shah, Tongue Entrapment in a Plastic Bottleneck , Bengal Journal of Otolaryngology and Head NeckSurgery: Vol. 26 No. 3 (2018): Bengal Journal of Otolaryngology and Head NeckSurgery

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