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Tire Pressure Monitoring System Using Feature Fusion and Family of Lazy Classifiers

Publication Type : Journal Article

Source : Engineering Reports

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Campus : Amritapuri

School : School of Physical Sciences

Verified : No

Year : 2024

Abstract :

The tire pressure monitoring system (TPMS) is crucial for road safety, fuel efficiency, and vehicle performance. This study focuses on nitrogen-filled pneumatic tires due to their uniform pressure management and thermal stability advantages over air-filled tires. Using machine learning, the research analyzes TPMS data to enhance understanding of tire behavior and vehicle safety. It employs various feature extraction methods and lazy-based classifiers to analyze vibration signals collected under idle, high-speed, normal, and puncture conditions using MEMS accelerometers. The study examines autoregressive moving average (ARMA), histogram, and statistical features individually and in combinations (statistical-histogram, histogram-ARMA, statistical-ARMA, and statistical-histogram-ARMA) to improve predictive accuracy. By integrating these features, the study aims to optimize predictive modeling of TPMS. Empirically, the research achieved 97.92% accuracy using the local weighted learning (LWL) algorithm, demonstrating the effectiveness of combined statistical, histogram, and ARMA features in enhancing TPMS predictive capabilities.

Cite this Research Publication : Arpit Pandey, Sridharan Naveen Venkatesh, Prabhakaranpillai Sreelatha Anoop, B. R. Manju, Vaithiyanathan Sugumaran, Tire Pressure Monitoring System Using Feature Fusion and Family of Lazy Classifiers, Engineering Reports, 2024.

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