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Thermophoretic diffusion deposition velocity effect in the flow-induced due to inner stretched and outer stationary coaxial cylinders

Publication Type : Journal Article

Publisher : Case Studies in Thermal Engineering

Source : Case Studies in Thermal Engineering 60 (2024): 104716

Url :

Campus : Bengaluru

School : School of Engineering

Department : Mathematics

Year : 2024

Abstract : This study's primary goal is to examine the mass and heat transfer in the fluid flow between two cylinders while taking the thermophoretic particle deposition impact into account. Only the stretching effect of the inside cylinder under the stationary outside cylinder causes the flow. The governing partial differential equations (PDEs) of the flow dynamics are converted into ordinary differential equations (ODEs) by utilizing similarity transformations. Then, using the shooting approach and the Runge-Kutta Fehlberg fourth-fifth order (RKF-45) method, these simplified equations are numerically solved. Graphical depictions are utilized to analyze the physical behaviour of key factors in detail. The comparison of the published findings with the obtained outcome is given here to check the accuracy and obtained a good agreement with the published results. Results reveal that the gap size strongly influences the momentum, heat and mass transfer fields. Velocity and thermal profiles increase as the curvature parameter upsurges, but the concentration profile declines. It is also observed that when gap width rise, the rate of heat transmission reduces. The findings demonstrate that the mass transportation rate declines as the thermophoretic parameter and thermophoretic coefficient value increase.

Cite this Research Publication : Srilatha, Pudhari, J. Madhu, Umair Khan, K. V. Nagaraja, R. Naveen Kumar, FehmiGamaoun, RJ Punith Gowda, and K. Karthik. "Thermophoretic diffusion deposition velocity effect in the flow-induced due to inner stretched and outer stationary coaxial cylinders." Case Studies in Thermal Engineering 60 (2024): 104716.Impact Factor: 6.4

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