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The role of Home and Family in shaping the Indian American identity in Jhumpa Lahiri’s Unaccustomed Earth

Publication Type : Conference Proceedings

Publisher : International Seminar on Contemporary American Literature: Trends and Prospects

Source : International Seminar on Contemporary American Literature: Trends and Prospects, Postgraduate Department of English and Research Centre for Comparative Studies, Mercy College, Palakkad (2014)

Keywords : colonizer-colonised experience, dual identity, identity crisis., Post colonialism

Campus : Amritapuri

School : School of Arts and Sciences

Department : English

Year : 2014

Abstract :

Cite this Research Publication : S. M. Chandran, “The role of Home and Family in shaping the Indian American identity in Jhumpa Lahiri’s Unaccustomed Earth”, International Seminar on Contemporary American Literature: Trends and Prospects. Postgraduate Department of English and Research Centre for Comparative Studies, Mercy College, Palakkad , 2014.

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