Publication Type : Journal Article
Thematic Areas : SDG indicator 2.4.1 Agriculture
Publisher : Migration Letters
Source : Migration Letters, 20(S1), 181–202
Url :
Campus : Amritapuri, Bengaluru
School : School for Sustainable Futures, School of Business
Year : 2023
Abstract : More than 850 million people experience food insecurity globally, which is a serious concern. Worldwide food insecurity and malnutrition, particularly in India, are a result of the ever-increasing population growth, aided further by increased food demand. This review attempts to discuss the relationship between sustainable agricultural practices, food security and climate change in India. Factoring in the operationalization of a system that transfers different kinds of environment brilliant horticultural mediations (logical innovations, native specialized information, institutional developments and data, and communication advances) that can assist with advancing maintainable occupation and food security. Taking on a non-systematic approach, various peer-reviewed articles, journals, books, and institutional reports were reviewed. Sustainable agricultural practises have not gained ground in India, precisely among the small-medium sized agricultural enterprises. Food security remains susceptible to climate change given its roots in rain-fed agriculture that is largely practised by smallholder farming communities. The purpose of this article is to inform governments, policymakers, service providers and civil society regarding the importance of sustainable agriculture practices and its relationship with food security as a climate change strategy, and to plan strategies to improve the household food security status in India.
Cite this Research Publication : Douglas Marowa, Manoj Pokkiyarath, & Pozhamkandath Karthiayani Viswanathan. (2023). The Nexus Between Sustainable Agriculture Practices, Food Security and Climate Change in India: A Review . Migration Letters, 20(S1), 181–202. Retrieved from