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The key modules involved in the evolution of an effective instrumentation and communication network in smart grids: a review

Publication Type : Journal Article

Publisher : Taylor & Francis

Source : Smart Science, 2023, 11(3), pp. 519–537

Url :

Campus : Amritapuri

School : School of Engineering

Department : Electrical and Electronics

Year : 2023

Abstract : The unabated growth in global energy demand since the advent of the 21st-century call for augmented electrical power grids as a network of smart grids. The key components which shore up the grid’s ‘Smartness’ are the distributed intelligent controller modules. Existing electrical networks are limited by a short lifespan, power theft, and prolonged power outages, by the lack of smart sensors and proper communication equipment. Microgrids are a small network of electricity users with localized source of generation and are usually attached to the main grid but can function independently. The microgrid is a limited subset of the grid that may run either connected to or independently from the main grid, whereas the smart grid is a thorough modernization of the whole power grid infrastructure. Both systems aim to increase grid resilience, integrate renewable energy, increase grid efficiency, and support demand response programs. They work together to create an energy system that is more dependable, effective, and sustainable. There are various components which makes the grid smart and intelligent. This paper presents a review of flexible, intelligent instrumentation, and communication network components that capacitate smart grids with self-governing intelligence.

Cite this Research Publication : Seema, P.N., Nair, M.G., "The key modules involved in the evolution of an effective instrumentation and communication network in smart grids: a review", Smart Science, 2023, 11(3), pp. 519–537

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