Publication Type : Conference Paper
Publisher : Interspeech
Source : Interspeech (2007)
Campus : Bengaluru
School : Department of Computer Science and Engineering, School of Engineering
Department : Computer Science, Mathematics
Year : 2007
Abstract : This paper presents the spoken language translation system developed at FBK-irst during the TC-STAR project. The system integrates automatic speech recognition with machine translation through the use of confusion networks, which permit to represent a huge number of transcription hypotheses generated by the speech recognizer. Confusion networks are efficiently decoded by a statistical machine translation system which computes the most probable translation in the target language. This paper presents the whole architecture developed for the translation of political speeches held at the European Parliament, from English to Spanish and vice ver
Cite this Research Publication : N. Bertoldi, Brugnara F, Cattoni, R., Cettolo, M., Chen, B., Federico M, Giuliani D., Gretter, R., Dr. Deepa Gupta, Seppi. D., and , “The IRST English-Spanish Translation System for European Parliament Speeches”, in Interspeech, 2007.