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The effects of non-standard lightning impulse on electrical insulation: a review

Publication Type : Journal Article

Publisher : Spinger

Source : Electrical Engineering (Spinger)

Url :

Campus : Coimbatore

School : School of Engineering

Department : Electrical and Electronics

Year : 2022

Abstract : Equipment installed in a power system network has to tolerate impulse overvoltage throughout its life span. Lightning impulses are one of the primary reasons of this overvoltage. Hence, insulation of the power equipment is designed and tested with standard lightning impulse. However, in reality, various complex, oscillatory non-standard lightning impulse waveforms exist in natural lightning impulses. Therefore, for the better design of insulation of the power equipment, identification of the non-standard lightning impulse waveform is essential. This article presents a comprehensive review of the effects of non-standard lightning impulse voltage on the insulation of power equipment. This article will help to classify the non-standard lightning impulse waveforms and identify the parameters, generation circuit, and analysis of non-standard lightning impulse waveforms till the present day. Hence, the information presented in the article can be helpful for the insulation design of the power equipment.

Cite this Research Publication : P. Ghosh, A. K. Das, S. Dalai and S. Chatterjee, “The Effects of Non-Standard Lightning Impulse on Electrical Insulation: A Review,” Electrical Engineering (Spinger), vol. 104, pp. 4239-4254, 2022.

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