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Test Automation of Web Application Login Page by Using Selenium Ide in a Web Browser

Publication Type : Journal Article

Publisher : Webology

Source : Webology, Volume 18, Special Issue on Computing Technology and Information Management, September, 2021 Received March 24, 2021;Accepted

Url :

Campus : Chennai

School : School of Computing

Department : Computer Science and Engineering

Year : 2021

Abstract : Selenium stands as open-source program apparatus aimed at computerization testing. Here, selenium-IDE (Integrated Developments Environment) Testing is investigated, which could be a remarkably vital movement in Program Improvement Handle. It is to look at and alter source code. A high-quality computer program can well be achieved by producing Compelling Testing. This Paper handles a critical in addition to the crucial issue of Program Testing. Testing can well be executed both manually and automatically. This paper sets to do Mechanization Testing through "Selenium". Test cases (TC) are consequently recorded with this web testing tool whilst the analyzer is entering the information in a web application screen.

Cite this Research Publication : Published a Research Paper Entitled " Test Automation of Web Application Login Page by Using Selenium Ide in a Web Browser " in the Webology, Volume 18, Special Issue on Computing Technology and Information Management, September, 2021 Received March 24, 2021;Accepted July08, 2021 ISSN:1735-188XDOI:10.14704/WEB/V18SI04/WEB18160. Scopus IndexJournal

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